

词汇 long away
释义 long away
long away发音




going away───领先甚多;出发度蜜月

gone away───n.离开(歌曲名)

lock away───藏起来;将…锁藏起来

long play───密纹唱片

look away───转移目光;扭头看别处;把脸转过去

slog away───苦干(非正式);努力学习(非正式)

blowing away───吹走;驱散;留下深刻印象


Even smoking had ceased, for a tramp’s only tobacco is picked-up cigarette ends, and, like a browsing beast, he starves if he is long away from the pavement-pasture.───甚至连烟都没得抽了,流浪汉们那点可怜的烟草来自地上捡来的烟头,这就像是逐猎物而居的野兽,离开人行道那片草场时间长了他就得挨饿。

He can reach a supermarket without walking long away.───他不用走很远就能到达一家超市。

The sausage remained so long away, that they became uneasy, and the bird flew out to meet him.───香肠出去太久了,他们感到不安,小鸟飞出来找他。

It is not long away from the Wenchuan earthquark , Haiti earthquark and all the scenes made us feel close but sorry.───想想在之前不久刚刚的汶川地震和刚刚的海地大地震,幕一幕,让人不胜寒嘘。

Will ye not come home brother? ye have been long away.───不回家吗老兄?离开这么久长。

It's actually not very long away. It's half a human lifetime away.───这其实离我们并不是很遥远.这只是一个人寿命的一半。

If you wake up and I'm not there, I won't be long away───如果你醒来我不在你旁边,我不会离你很远

She turns as long away───她只要转身离开,

  • long-tailed duck
  • longitudinal and cross-sectional
  • long-suffering meaning
  • longer hair
  • long way down
  • long-staple wool
  • long neck
  • longboat key
  • long position
  • long away
  • long rafelldown
  • long lai
  • long-tailed goral
  • long tails
  • long game player
  • long sleep
  • long overdue
  • long journey into night
  • longwood fl
  • longbow kit
  • long staple cotton




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