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词汇 lives out
释义 lives out
lives out发音



gives out───分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭

live out───住在外面;活过(某一段时间);实践,实现

lived out───住在外面;活过(某一段时间);实践,实现

drives out───驱赶;开车外出

leaves out───生叶

dies out───逐渐消失

dines out───外出进餐

hides out───躲藏

hikes out───徒步出行;坐着后倾(保持船只横倾平衡)


Veseth, whose 28, 000-acre ranch sits near APF holdings, says, "Nobody lives out here for the money." It's the lifestyle, the culture.───Veseth的28,000英亩的大农场就在APF的管辖区附近,他说道“没有人会因为钱而离开这里,这就是我们的生活方式,我们的文化。”

Yes, I do. My godmother lives out there.───不,我认识。我教母在那边住。

In Tate's version Lear lives out his last years in retirement, while Cordelia gets hitched to Edgar.───在塔特的版本里,李尔王在退休后得以安享天年,而考狄利娅则和埃德加终成眷属。

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency and said he is 'optimistic that there are still lives out there to be saved. '───密苏里州长尼克森(JayNixon)宣布进入紧急状态,并说他“相信仍有人等着被营救”。

You young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year.───你们这些坐在我面前的小肉猪们,不出一年,你们都将在刀架上嚎叫着断送性命。

I trade with an old man by the name a' Maximillian who lives out in the wilds, beyond the village wall.───我和一个住在村子围墙外面荒野里的那个叫做麦斯米兰的老头作了次交易。

Every year, thousands of animals lose their lives out of being tested on personal care products such aslipsticks, shampoo or toothpaste.───每年便有上千万的动物,因为被抓去试验唇膏、洗头水和牙膏等护理产品而丧失生命。

How securely one thinks one lives -- out of reach of temptation, sin, folly. And then suddenly -- Oh! Life is terrible.───我们自认为日子过得太太平平,诱惑、罪恶、愚蠢都与我们无关,可突然间,人生真是可怕。


He lives out in the sticks . There's nothing for me to do out there.

Poetic interpretations of this Orpheus complex may be seen in Rilke's orphic lyricism, as a lyricism which egotistically lives out an indeterminate love of others.

Most adult male bears spend their lives out on the pack ice, living mainly on seals.

He lives out in the country somewhere.

  • lives or lives
  • lives of others
  • lives there
  • lives with
  • lives news
  • lives on a farm
  • lives at home
  • livestock science
  • lives up




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