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词汇 lion fish
释义 lion fish
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lemon fish───柠檬鱼

fin fish───n.长须鲸

line fish───n.用鱼线抓到的鱼

tin fish───鱼雷

clown fish───小丑鱼



Unfortunately, I don't see what I most want to see the lion fish, seems to be dead.───可惜的是,我没有看到我最想看到狮子鱼,听说好像是死掉了。

A lion fish hidden behind a coral reef.───一条藏在珊瑚礁后面的狮子鱼。

But I think the most dangerous ones we have are quite small —things like the lion fish which I just mentioned, he just got stung, but it wasn't anythingterrible.───不过我认为最危险的动物都是那些小型动物,比如我刚刚提到的狮子鱼,那名年轻人只是被刺了,并不严重。

I don't know why will give this fish named lion fish, to say nothing like a lion shape, it is a bit like the tail peacock.───我不知道为什么会给这种鱼冠名为狮子鱼,要说外形一点都不像狮子,倒是有点像开屏的孔雀。

To be a lion fish is a Scorpene , in the 6000 meters deep was found, its ecology is not for people to understand.───拟狮子鱼属鲉的一种,曾在6000米的深海被发现过,其生态尚不为人们所了解。

The lion fish fin pectoral fins, suppressing the very exaggerative, she PiGong GuaCai, colour is so bright, bearing is so easy.───狮子鱼的胸鳍、背鳍伸张的很夸张,她披红挂彩,色彩是那么鲜艳,仪态是那么大方。

Above is the Lion Fish - with fan like fins, and distinguished markings , they are quite beautiful to look at.───上面是狮子鱼——具有像鳍一样的扇状物以及特异的标记。牠们看起来相当漂亮,不过是相当危险的。

If she is not in swimming, I also tell this is a lion fish, thought this is a piece of undersea rock.───如果她不是在游动,我还分辨出来这是一条狮子鱼,还以为这是一块海底的礁石。

The common Lion fish averages between 30cm and 35cm long.───常见的狮子鱼平均长度在30厘米到35厘米之间。


Attract baIt'shrimp, lion fish to be active to feed on shrimp swimming.

The beautiful lion fish belongs to this gaudy category and is therefore much easier to avoid.

Airlift over a fish-sting TROPICAL-fish keeper Ian Durnall was flown to hospital after being stung by his pet lion fish.

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