

词汇 let on
释义 let on
let on发音

<非正>泄密, 透露, 假装



lets on───泄露;假装

get on───上车,上马;进展,使前进

let in───让…进来;嵌入

lit on───偶然碰见

set on───唆使;开始;攻击

leant on───leant是

let down───使失望;放下;辜负;减速下降

kept on───继续;穿着…不脱

let off───放出;准许…暂停工作;宽恕


Oh come, now, you don't mean to let on that you like it?───哦,得了吧,你是说你喜欢这件事吗?

Don't let on about this meeting.───不要把这次会议的事泄露出去.

Don't let on to Kehr that we are going to the movie tonight. We don't want her to know.───我们今晚去看电影的事别告诉凯尔, 我们不想让她知道.

The shop is let on very favourable term.───该商店以特惠条件出租.

I would rather do so asas possible, not let on hold indefinitely.───我宁可尽早这么做, 不要无限期任由搁置.

I never let on about what you told me.───你对我讲的话,我从来没讲出去.

She let on that she was leaving.───她透露说她要离开。

He got a one year let on that flat.───他租下了那套公寓,租期一年.

Don't ever let on to know me.───切记不要露出你认识我的样子.

Do not let on about the meeting.───别泄露会议的秘密.

Don't let on that I told you.───别让人知道我告诉了你.

The house was let on a five - year lese.───那房子以五年租约让出去.

She will not let on if you ask her not to.───如果你不让她说出去,她就不会的.

If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on.───假如他曾注意到或者为此烦恼, 他就不会再这样做下去了.

I'm getting married next week, but please don't let on to anyone.───我下周就要结婚了,但这事请对谁都不要说。

She never let on that she had met him.───她从不承认她曾经见过他.

We didn't let on about how we did it.───我们没泄露我们是怎样做那事的.

The old man likes to let on that he is rich.───这位老人喜欢装得很富有的样子.


She never let on that anything was wrong.

  • let the cat out of bag
  • letter of intent
  • let her be
  • let s read
  • let it goat
  • let it me
  • let for in isitolperfect
  • let to you
  • let is keep
  • let s move on
  • let tell
  • let you down
  • let s read it
  • let me live
  • let s have
  • let be friends
  • let him down
  • letters from father christmas
  • let does see
  • lets funny
  • let me love your




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