

词汇 legal reasons
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health reasons───健康原因

legal professions───法律界;法律专业

dead seasons───淡季;停滞季节

legal basis───法律依据;[法]法律根据

legal eagles───精明的律师

legal redress───法律补救

neap seasons───小潮季节

peak seasons───[贸易]旺季

personal reasons───个人原因


Her enemies are already cooking up legal reasons to dissolve PT and remove her from office.───她的敌人们已经准备炮制合法的理由解散为泰党并把她赶下台。

There were no other legal reasons at that time to hold someone in custody.───那时关押什么人没有别的法律理由。

Not only legal reasons argue for reform.───不仅仅是法律原因导致改革。

Only on doing so did the woman, who has not been identified for legal reasons, realise that she was calling a brothel.───仅仅刚刚拨打那个雇主的电话,由于法律原因还未对其身份进行确认,她就意识到她正在给一家妓院打电话。

But possibly for legal reasons and also because he doesn't think the world is yet ready to give him a fair hearing, he says he won't.───但或许法律因素,而且他认为这个世界还没有准备好心平气和地聆听他的陈述,所以他不想谈。

People may ask, is Apple trying to trick me into paying $800 for air? The answer for legal reasons, is maybe.───人们或许会问,苹果是在想欺骗我并让我白白浪费那$800嘛?出于法律上的因素而言,有可能哦!

They analyzed the product, which they did not name for legal reasons, and found it contained two hormones -- testosterone and estradiol.───他们对这一产品(出于法律方面的考虑,没有指出产品名称)进行了分析化验,结果发现产品中含有两种激素—睾酮和雌二醇。

None of those with whom I have experience, though, are willing to speak "on the record" for competitive, security, and often legal, reasons.───但是,由于竞争、安全性和通常在法律方面的原因,在我遇到的所有人中,没人愿意“公开发布”访谈。

As the decision-making process, legal reasoning runs through the justice and provides legal reasons and justification for justice.───法律推理是贯穿司法审判活动始终的,是为司法审判提供法律理由和正当理由的法庭决策过程。


The girl, who can not be named for legal reasons, was then led out the back door of the court.

The child, who can not be named for legal reasons, was staying with her grandparents in south Devon.

This is for legal reasons, to prevent a suit.

We cannot mention the suspect's name for legal reasons.

Loretta guessed there were legal reasons for the terse nature of the item.

The woman, who can not be named for legal reasons, wants the circumstances of her children's care proceedings examined.

The girl, who can not be named for legal reasons, had been left alone when a friend went home.

Police cannot name the man for legal reasons.

The names can not be published for legal reasons.

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