

词汇 legacy system
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legal system───法律制度

legal systems───法律体系(legalsystem的复数)

Bedaux system───贝多系统

binary system───[数]二进制

track system───轨道系统;追踪系统;薪金线制度;分轨制

regulatory system───调节系统

binary systems───[数]二进制


This tightly couples the legacy system with every consumer of the data.───这让数据的每个消费者都和遗留系统发生了紧耦合。

Although the data consolidation pattern cannot solely address application migration, it is an important component in that it can move the data from the legacy system to the future platform.───尽管数据整合模式无法单独处理应用程序迁移,但它是一个非常重要的组件,可以将数据从遗留系统移动到未来的平台。

When confronted with the source code of some unknown legacy system, how can an engineer know what grouping of software elements will produce some meaningful description of the architecture?───当碰到某个未知的遗留系统的源代码时,工程师如何能够知道软件元素的什么组合将生成某种有意义的架构描述?

Consider all the technology limitations of a legacy system before jumping ahead into a legacy modernization effort.───在进行遗留资产现代化工作前,请充分考虑遗留系统的所有技术限制。

The single-threaded nature of legacy application, like that just mentioned, is an example of a technical limitation of a legacy system.───如刚刚提到的,遗留应用程序的单线程特性就是遗留系统技术限制的一个例子。

A legacy system might need a runtime environment for it to run like Oracle Frames, or it might run on its own on the operating system.───遗留系统的运行可能会需要OracleFrames之类的运行时环境,或者可能独立在操作系统上运行。

In so doing, the two airlines put in mothballs two legacy system they have used for the last four decades.───这意味着,两家航空公司放弃了他们沿用了四十年的旧系统。

Imagine that you're a senior developer who has just been assigned to a new position of architect for a legacy system.───假定您是刚刚被任命为遗留系统的架构师的一位资深开发人员。

By re-engineering process of a legacy system middleware, the model is proved to be practicable and effective.───将该方法应用到遗留系统数据中间件中,证明了MVC模式的实用性和有效性。


This is useful in the integration with existing legacy system monitoring tools that offer continuous scanning of log files in order to raise alerts and detect incidents.

The right of inheritance, as a very important part of the legal relationship of property inheritance, is the core of all the legacy system.

Finally, the tractate analyzes the data exchange and integration between the legacy system and CRM system.

An existing legacy system deployed at SABU Health Corporation deals with claim processing, responding to claim status queries, and generating remittance advice for a claim.

Software reengineering provides a practical and feasible approach to translate legacy system into evolutive system.

  • legacy system
  • legacy church
  • legacy obituaries
  • legacy support
  • legacy box reviews




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