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词汇 leave without
释义 leave without
leave without发音



done without───在没有的情况下

gone without───没有…也行

have it out───一决雌雄;(同某人)讲个明白

leave out───遗漏,省去;不考虑

went without───没有…也行

reckon without───忽略;未把…考虑在内;没估计到;盼望不要有...

reckoned without───忽略;未把…考虑在内;没估计到;盼望不要有...

did without───没有…也行;摒弃

do without───没有…也行;摒弃


Don't leave without me!───不要丢下我!

They managed to leave without any of us realizing.───我们谁也没注意,他们悄悄走了。

He likes to leave without saying goodbye.───他喜欢不辞而别。

That black-or-white type of situation, to stay forever, or to leave without looking back, is one of the hallmarks of an eclipse.───这种非此即彼的状态——要么两人直到永远,要么毫不回头的离开——是蚀相的一种特征。

When he finally returns to her, he begs her forgiveness, offering to leave without protest if she wishes.───他到家后,马上向他的妻子乞求原谅,表示如果她希望,他将无条件的离开。

So I decided to leave, without my mother's knowledge, for the faraway province of Yunnan, where I joined the New Army and Tongmenhui.───我下决心瞒着慈爱的母亲脱离家乡,远走云南参加了新军和同盟会。

But as I was about to leave without the hat, the shopkeeper convinced me to try another.───但是当我空手离开这家店的时候,店主叫我再试试别的。

The airport has also run out of aircraft fuel, so inbound planes have to carry enough fuel to be able to leave without refueling.───杜桑•卢维图尔国际机场的航空煤油已经用光,因此入港飞机必须自带足够的油品,可以在无需就地加油的情况下离港。

"I was in Beijing . . . and I didn't want to leave without seeing anything, " he said.───他说道:“我就在北京……我不想还未看到任何东西就离开。”


How could you leave without saying good - bye?

Don't leave without me.

They're not going to leave without their lead guitarist.

We must leave without delay.

He is not to leave without my express permission.

If you're late again we'll leave without you.

Sometimes vacationers leave without ever spotting as much as a deer.

They managed to leave without any of us realizing.

We had no option but to leave without them.

  • leave the field blank
  • leave again
  • leave it behind
  • leave ouintwomistudents
  • leave aside
  • leavened with
  • leave by
  • leavened cake
  • leave home
  • leaves eyes
  • leaved means
  • leave your mark on life
  • leave without
  • leave about
  • leave out of
  • leaves off
  • leave game
  • leaves sadly
  • leaven bread
  • leave in
  • leave of




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