

词汇 leave about
释义 leave about
leave about发音




leave out───遗漏,省去;不考虑

beat about───迎斜风行驶;搜索;四处闲逛;拐弯抹角

came about───v.发生;产生;改变方向

hedge about───用篱或栏围住

laid about───向四面八方乱打;努力干

lain about───四处游荡

lark about───鬼混

lay about───向四面八方乱打;努力干

lays about───向四面八方乱打;努力干


would leave about 18 million people, about a third of whom are illegal immigrants, without any coverage by 2019.───将使剩下大约180万人,大约有三分之一的人是非法入境者,直到2019年没有任何医疗保险。

Leave about two and a half centimeters for the top, bottom and the left margins.───顶端离开两点五厘米, 底部和左边距一样.

We leave about 1 mm. of material left.───我们离开约1毫米. 材料离开.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that by 2019, the bill would leave about 96% of legal residents with health insurance, up from 83% now.───国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)估计,在2019年前,法案将使约96%的合法居民拥有医疗保险,目前为83%。

announced troop cut was widely anticipated and will leave about 10,000 NATO forces in Kosovo — compared to up to 15,000 troops there at any given time.───宣布削减驻军的消息是大家早就预期的,这将使北约留在科索沃大约一万军人,而以往在任何情况下都保持在1万5千人。

Just want to let you know that I am on leave about 10 days.───仅仅想要你们知道我将要离开10天左右.

Carol: Wait! Before you leave about a kiss?───卡罗: 等等! 你们走之前亲吻一下 怎么样 ?

We're going to leave about seven thirty next Monday morning.───我们在下星期一早上七点半左右出发.

Wilson: Ok, if you say so. But we'll have to leave about 5:00 am.───威尔森: 好吧, 既然你都这样说了. 不过我们得早上五点左右出发.


It's immoral to leave about garbage here and there.

We leave about 1 mm. of material left.

I want to leave about one month.

We're going to leave about seven thirty next Monday morning.

The main car park was full when I left about 10.45.

Leave about half an inch between your big toe and the end of the shoe.

Carol: Wait! Before you leave about a kiss?

That leaves about 500 delegates who are still undecided, and whose views have so far been ignored.

Leave about two and a half centimeters for the top,(sentencedict.com) bottom and the left margins.

  • leave the field blank
  • leave again
  • leave it behind
  • leave ouintwomistudents
  • leave aside
  • leavened with
  • leave by
  • leavened cake
  • leave home
  • leaves eyes
  • leaved means
  • leave your mark on life
  • leave without
  • leave about
  • leave out of
  • leaves off
  • leave game
  • leaves sadly
  • leaven bread
  • leave in
  • leave of




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