

词汇 the present day
释义 the present day
the present day发音




present day───今朝

the present───当代;礼物;暂时

the present tense───现在时;一般现在时


the next day───第二天,次日

present data───展示数据;当前数据

the Desert Rats───沙漠老鼠

the crescent───新月

the other day───不久前某一天;几天以前


These machines are not computers in the present - day sense of the word.───就现代词意上来说,这些机器都不能叫做计算机.

I do not like the present day.───我不喜欢现在的日子。

These shoreline trends are completely independent of the present - day structural configuration of the San Juan basin.───这些滨线的走向与现今圣胡安盆地的构造形象是完全不同的.

These time-worn techniques are often very effective approaches to the illnesses of the present day.───这些古老的疗法在治疗当今的疾病时往往非常有效。

If the spirit of Caesar could be called up by some spell, I wonder what it would think of the present day.───如果凯撒的灵魂可以用符咒召回的话, 我不知道它对当今世界会有什么看法.

After being taken back 200 years, we were suddenly returned to the present day.───我们刚才还处在200年前的历史场景之中, 一下子又回到了现在.

A unique 13,000-word timeline runs through the full-colour volume, detailing events from the Earth's creation to the present day.───一份独一无二的13,000词的年表贯穿彩印卷的始终,详细记述了从地球诞生到今天发生的重大历史事件。

It was called Jamestown and was located in the present - day state of Virginia.───这个地方叫做詹姆斯敦,就在今天的弗吉尼亚州.

In Oceania at the present day , Science , in the old sense, has almost ceased to exist.───目前在大洋国, 旧观念的科学几乎已不再存在.

The present - day reader is more likely to agree with Irving's critics than with his admirers.───现代读者很可能同意对欧文的批评而不同意那些恭维话.

The deposits are grouped close to the present - day erosional edge of Kombolgie Formation rocks.───矿床集中于靠近科姆波尔吉地层岩的现代侵蚀前沿.

The timeline shows important events from the Earth's creation to the present day.───该年表列出了从地球诞生迄今的重要事件。

The lecture will trace the depiction of horses from earliest times to the present day.───这个讲座将探究从古至今的画马艺术。

a study of European drama, from Ibsen to the present day───从易卜生到现代欧洲戏剧的研究

Her book traces the town's history from Saxon times to the present day.───她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

The present day gloomily dawned.───目前这个新时代阴沉沉地来临了.

The present - day eccentricity of the orbit is small.───目前,轨道的偏心率不大.

This tolerance has continued right up until the present day.───这一宽容态度一直延续至今.


Past imperial glories are hardly relevant to the present day.

  • the money tree
  • the person i like
  • there is a box
  • the derryo
  • the the
  • the study
  • the wall
  • the public
  • the old course
  • theism define
  • there is on
  • the surf
  • the day come
  • the bell rings
  • ther re
  • the the thwal
  • the yellow river
  • the most
  • these socks
  • there is for
  • the red coat




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