laminar flow───[流]层流,[水文]片流
laminar flows───[流]层流,[水文]片流
Laminar flow hood with an external fan mounted, side mounted fans to upload and fans of three, the installation methods are hanging, floor and mobile are three.───层流罩有风机外接装、风机上装和风机旁装三种,安装方式有悬挂式、落地式和移动式三种。
Shenzhen laminar flow hood FFU: the shell can use mirror stainless steel, aluminum, cold plate electrostatic spray making nice.───层流罩FFU:壳体可选用镜面不锈钢、铝合金、冷板静电喷塑制做美观大方。
Laminar flow hood is ideal for FFU was 10 ~ 1000 clean room clouds, the overall running centralized control.───层流罩FFU非常适用于是10~1000级无尘车间密布,整体运行集中控制。
select a healthy plant and remove a segment of tissue in a laminar flow hood;───选择一棵健康的植株在层流室中取出一块组织;
Study on the protection of simple laminar flow hood for nurse───应用简易层流柜对护士防护作用的探讨
laminar flow clean bench, laminar flow hood───层流洁净工作台
- laminar flow hood