v.临时解雇( layoff的过去式和过去分词 ); 停工,停止活动; [经] 被解雇的
bad off───境况不好;身体很差
hand off───不可触摩;切换,转换
laid on───涂抹(颜料等);猛攻;加…于人
laid out───喝醉了的;安排;陈列;花费;责骂(layout的过去式和过去分词形式)
lay off───解雇;休息;停止工作
lays off───解雇(layoff的第三人称单数)
lead off───开始;领先
led off───开始;领先
lie off───暂停工作;与陆地或其它的船保持一段距离
The work force has been laid off.───工人们被辞退了.
The large insurance contract was laid off among many corporations.───这项大的保险合同由许多公司分担.
federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.───联邦工作人员将被解雇以减少赤字。
Why must I tell that worker he is laid off? You do your own dirty work.───为什么我必须告诉那个工人他被解雇了? 你自己去做那令人厌恶之事.
Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.───工资已被冻结,员工们下岗了。
He laid off his sweat suit on a bench and went into the shower room.───他把球衫裤往长凳上一放就到淋浴室去了.
Those laid off received their regular checks, plus vacation and severance pay.───那些被裁的人都收到他们应得的薪金, 再加上假期和解职的酬金.
The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in sales.───那个工厂由于销量下降而暂时解雇了工人.
White - collar workers are getting laid off in greater numbers than ever before.───白领阶级目前被解雇的人数比以往要多.
When the rush or busy hours were over, they were laid off.───等高峰或繁忙时刻一过, 他们就被解雇了.
The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money.───公司为节省资金遣散了150名工作人员。
The company laid off 100 workers last week.───公司上周解雇了一百名工人.
This plant laid off 4000 workers last year.───去年这个工厂解雇了四千工人.
The workers of the factory have been laid off on account of the depression.───由于不景气,工厂的工人被暂时解雇.
Vulnerable Group the context mostly includes laid - off and unemployed persons.───本文的城市弱势群体主要是指城镇 下岗 、失业人员.
100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.───10万联邦公务人员将被辞退以减少赤字。
Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.───工资已被冻结,工人也下岗了。
The company laid off 65,000 workers after commercial-jet orders dried up.───商务飞机订单减少后公司精减了65,000名工人。
100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
- laid up
- laid off