

词汇 kitchen counter
释义 kitchen counter
kitchen counter发音



ticket counter───售票台;售票柜台;票务处

kitchen cabinet───n.非官方顾问团,私人顾问团;厨房的餐具柜

kitchen chair───厨房椅子

kitchen door───厨房门

kitchen paper───n.厨房用纸

kitchen police───炊事兵;(因犯小错而被罚到厨房做工的)帮厨士兵;炊事勤务

kitchen range───厨房炉灶

kitchen ranges───厨房炉灶

kitchen tea───厨房茶


Slate Tiles are generally used to install in kitchen, counter tops, slabs and sinks.───板岩瓦片在厨房 、 桌面 、 平板和水槽通常被用于安装.

Cockroaches skittered across the kitchen counter.───蟑螂从厨房柜台扫过。

Are you gonna put bars on my window or chain me to the kitchen counter?───把我的窗户用木条钉起来还是把我栓在灶台上?

A wind-up clock ticked busily from the kitchen counter.───一只上了弦的钟在厨房的案子上嘀嗒响个不停。

Sure, he's tempted by the coffee cake and pastries on his kitchen counter.───当然,他也受到厨房柜台上的咖啡蛋糕和糕点的诱惑。

Lisa huddles behind the kitchen counter, still clutching the cordless phone.───Lisa蜷缩着躲在厨房餐桌后,手里还握着那个无绳电话。


She leaned against the kitchen counter.

He had his guest sit at the kitchen counter.

Whose keys are on the kitchen counter?

Standing at the kitchen counter, whining baby pulling on my legs.

She leaves like four bucks on the kitchen counter - though it's since gone down to three-fifty.

I sagged back against the kitchen counter.

A wind-up clock ticked busily from the kitchen counter.

We stacked the dirty plates on the kitchen counter.

In London, my kitchen counter is as cluttered as anybody's.

  • kitchen window
  • kitchen utensil
  • kitchen countertops
  • kitchen mate
  • kitchen range
  • kitchen scale
  • kitchen table
  • kitchen foil
  • kitchen curtains
  • kitchen rugs
  • kitchen ventilator




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