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词汇 wind
释义 windUK:*/ˈwɪnd/US:/n. wɪnd, Literary waɪnd; v. wɪnd/US:(wind for breath, also wīnd, Literary, for n.;wīnd for turns, coils, etc.)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 wind n (moving air)风The wind is strong around skyscrapers.摩天大楼周围风很大。usage: used as a nounThe wind /wɪnd/ is a current of air moving across the earth's surface. An icy wind brought clouds of snow.Leaves were being blown along by the wind. wind [sth] vtr (wrap or twist)绕, 卷;把…绕成团I had to wind up the kite string after we had finished playing with it.我们放完风筝后,我必须把风筝线绕好。 wind n UK, informal (gas: flatulence)屁,肠气My dog keeps letting off wind and it smells terrible.我的狗老是放屁,臭得不行。 wind n UK, informal (intestinal gas pains)肠胀痛I've got really bad wind after eating those beans.吃过那些豆子之后,我的肠子胀痛得厉害。 其他翻译 wind n figurative (verbiage)空谈,废话,空话That guy is all wind. You don't really believe him?那个家伙说的全是空话。你不是真的相信他吧? wind n informal (breath)呼吸,气息,喘息After getting hit so hard, the football player had the wind knocked out of him.重重一击之后,那名足球选手都被打得喘不过气了。 wind vi (curve) (道路等)蜿蜒,迂回The road winds up and down the mountain.道路在山间蜿蜒。 wind [sb] vtr usu passive (leave breathless)使…气喘吁吁;使…上气不接下气After so much running, the basketball player was winded and gasping for air. wind [sth] vtr (entwine)缠绕;使…缠绕在一起He wound the cable tightly and put it in the drawer. wind [sth] vtr (set mechanism of: a watch)给...上发条Before watches had batteries, you had to wind them. 动词短语 wind [sth] back, wind back [sth] vtr phrasal sep literal (tape, film: rewind)卷回 wind [sth] back, wind back [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (return to previous state)回到;恢复至 wind down vi phrasal figurative (relax)放松After work I have a drink to wind down.下班后,我喝了一杯,放松一下。 wind [sth] down, wind down [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (bring to gradual end)使…逐渐停止The company is winding down its operations in that part of the world.这家公司正在逐渐减少那个地区的业务。 wind [sth] up, wind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (power by turning)上You have to use a special key to wind the clock up.你必须用一把特殊的钥匙给钟上发条。 wind [sth] up, wind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (end)终结, 结束It's time for lunch - I wish they'd wind up this boring meeting!该吃午饭了,我希望他们能结束这个无聊的会议! wind up vi phrasal informal (become)以…告终If we don't stop and ask for directions, we're going to wind up completely lost!如果我们没有停下来问路,我们会完全迷路的! wind [sb] up, wind up [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, figurative, slang (annoy [sb])使发怒Don't do that; you know it winds me up!不要那么做,你知道这让我很生气! wind [sb] up, wind up [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, figurative, slang (tease [sb])戏弄, 开...的玩笑Don't listen to Eric; he's winding you up.别听埃里克的,他在戏弄你。 wind up vi phrasal (baseball: prepare to pitch) (棒球)准备投球The pitcher winds up, then throws the ball. 复合形式: blast of wind n (gust)阵风A blast of wind blew the door shut and I could not get back in the house. break wind, pass wind v expr (pass gas)放屁 catch wind of [sth] v expr informal (hear a rumour of [sth])听说;有流言说The employees caught wind of the coming lay-offs, and were very upset. east wind n (wind from the east)东风 fetch, wind fetch n (length of water blown over by wind) (海洋学)风浪区备注: 风作用于水面所形成的波浪区域 fresh wind n (positive change) (比喻积极的改变)(吹进)一股清新的风 gale-force wind n (wind over 32 mph or 61 km/h)七级以上大风 gentle wind n (light breeze)微风;轻风;和风A gentle wind filled the sails, and the boat slid smoothly from the harbour. get wind of [sth] vtr informal (hear rumours of) (非正式用语)得到...的风声, 风闻 gust of wind n (sudden blast of wind)(一阵)强风;狂风The gust of wind caused the newspaper to fly in the air. head wind n (wind blowing head-on)顶头风;逆风There was a strong head wind and so progress was slow. high wind n (strong wind)大风;狂风 howling wind n (loud, strong wind)呼啸的风;狂风呼啸Driving rain and a howling wind turned their trek across the moor into a dangerous nightmare. icy wind n (extremely cold wind)寒风;冷风You will need your scarf, hat and gloves because there is an icy wind blowing out there. in the wind expr figurative (expected, imminent)即将到来;快要发生It's clear that an election is in the wind. like the wind expr (very fast)像风一样地;迅速地 second wind n informal, figurative (fresh burst of energy)重振精神;恢复精力Now everyone has their second wind, let's get back to work! solar wind n (emanation from the sun's corona)太阳风 tailwind, tail wind n (wind from behind)顺风The plane arrived early because there was a tailwind for almost the entire flight. take the wind out of [sb]'s sails v expr (kill [sb]'s motivation)让...失去动力 trade wind n often plural (easterly wind in tropics) (常用复数)信风We waited for favourable trade winds before setting out to cross the Atlantic. west wind n (wind blowing towards the east)西风The west wind blows across the Atlantic Ocean carrying rain to the British Isles. wind band n (musical group of wind instruments)管乐队 wind chill, wind-chill, also US: windchill n (wind's cooling effect)风寒I'm not going out again today: the wind chill's terrible out there. wind chill factor, wind-chill factor, also US: windchill factor n (amount wind increases cold)风寒因素;风寒系数 wind chimes npl (mobile that makes a tinkling sound)风铃 wind down vi + adv (run out of power) (因发条松掉失去动力)越走越慢, 慢慢停下Geoffrey's pocket watch had wound down and was telling the wrong time.杰弗里的怀表越走越慢,走错了时间。 wind energy n (power generated by the wind)风能The government should look into renewable sources such as wind energy. wind farm n (facility that generates electricity from wind)风电场;风力发电厂An increasing amount of our electricity is generated by wind farms. wind instrument n (musical instrument played with breath)管乐器The world's oldest wind instrument is a flute found in a German cave. wind on vi + adv (continue for long distance)继续延伸;不断延伸The road wound on for miles. wind pipe, windpipe n (trachea)气管 wind power n (energy generated by the wind)风力Wind power is a viable alternative to energy from fossil fuels. wind shear n (rate wind velocity changes)风切变 wind shear n (condition dangerous to aircraft)乱流 wind speed n (how fast the wind is blowing)风速 wind tunnel n (for studying airflow)风洞 wind turbine n (machine that generates electricity from wind)风轮机The city is planning to erect around fifteen wind turbines on the site. wind up doing [sth] v expr informal (eventually have to do)最终落得;最终沦落到If I don't find a job soon, I may wind up begging on the streets.如果我不尽快找到一份工作,我可能会在街上乞讨。 wind up in [sb]'s pocket, wind up in the pocket of [sb] v expr US, figurative, informal (be controlled) (比喻)落入…的口袋之中 wind vane (meteorology) (气象学)风向标 wind-powered adj (using power from turbines)风力发电的 windbreak, wind-break n (screen: protects from wind)风障We chose a spot on the beach and put up our windbreak. windbreak, wind-break n ([sth] that protects from wind)防风带;防风林;防风林The hedge acts as a windbreak. windburned, wind-burned adj (chafed by wind)吹风引起的;风造成的 windsock, wind sock, air sock, wind sleeve n (fabric tube used as wind vane)风向标;风向袋 windswept, wind-swept adj (blown by the wind)被风吹的;受风刮的Dartmoor's windswept landscape is among the most beautiful in Europe. windup, wind-up adj (mechanical)终止,结束;缠绕;内装有发条的My children loved to play with simple wind-up toys. windup, wind-up n UK, slang (practical joke)终止,结束;缠绕;内装有发条的I don't believe this is happening to me. It must be a wind-up! windup, wind-up n UK, slang (irritating situation)惹人气恼的It's a real wind-up when my internet connection keeps cutting out every few minutes. windup, wind-up n (baseball: pitching) (棒球)挥臂投球There's the wind-up for the pitch ... and it's low and outside for ball two. windup, wind-up n informal (conclusion)终止,结束;缠绕;内装有发条的




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