控制; 使不升起; 使留级; 吞下药物
keeps down───v.控制;镇压;缩减
deep down───实际上;在心底
keep on───继续;穿着…不脱
kept down───v.控制;镇压;缩减
step down───辞职;走下;逐步减低
keeping down───[印刷]排小写体
to keep down───保持低调
keep count───数一数
keep going───继续;维持下去
Keep down! You mustn't let anyone see you.───蹲下!一定不要让人看见你。
They hired hunters to keep down the deer population.───他们聘请猎人来减少鹿群数量.
We hoe the garden to keep down the weeds.───我们给花园锄草以限制杂草生长.
He couldn't keep down his anger.───他按捺不住自己的怒火.
Keep down or you'll be hit by shell fragments.───趴下,否则你会被弹片击中的.
He was trying to keep down what he had for lunch.───他正在试图将中午所吃的保留在胃里.
They hoe the garden to keep down the weeds.───他们把花园里的草锄掉,阻止其生长.
She is managing to keep down her spending.───她在设法缩小开支.
Despite the need for more people in the market, most companies want to keep down labour costs.───尽管市场上需要更多的人手,大部分公司还是希望保持较低的劳动力成本。
I keep down my expenses this year.───我紧缩今年的开支.
The coolant helps to keep down dust and reduce the fire hazard.───冷却剂有功于降尘并减少火情.
If you dont keep down the heresy the church sends in inquisitors.───(德万岁,贞德不是女巫也不是异教徒)果你不能镇压异端,那么宗教审理官就来了.
I destroy all noisome and rank weeds , I keep down all pestilent vapours.───我摧毁了一切丛生的毒草,控制一切有害的烟雾.
Keep down! You mustn't let anybody see you.───蹲下! 一定不要让人看见你.
The white racists tried to keep down the Indians by force.───白人种族主义者企图用武力压服印第安人.
The company wants to keep down labour costs.───公司想保持低劳动成本。
They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.───他们采取步骤控制兔子的繁殖增长.
The gardener takes a lot of trouble to keep down the weeds.───那位园丁费了好大劲才把杂草除去.
She is managing to keep down her spending.
- keep your eyes open for
- keep notes
- keeping away
- keep we dream
- keep a lion
- keep grade
- keep safety
- keep hold of
- keep the times
- keep reading
- keep to the right
- keep dark
- keep perfect
- keep a secret
- keep pushing
- keep in line
- keeping green
- keeping healthy
- keeping scor
- keep on searching
- keep a smile