

词汇 joined in
释义 joined in
joined in发音



horned in───闯入;侵入

join in───加入;参加

joined up───联合起来;连接;参军

joins in───加入;参加

reined in───控制;放慢;止住

counted in───把…计算在内

joining in───加入;参加

bogged in───大快朵颐

booked in───登记;预定


Republicans joined in supporting the measure.───共和党人加入支持这项举措。

Everyone joined in the game.───每个人都参加了游戏。

We joined in the murder hunt.───我们参加了追捕杀人犯行动。

The officer called for reinforcement and "a group of policemen joined in treating Mr. Yu Boren and his wife violently, " Wang said.───警官请求增援,一群警察加入后粗暴对待郁先生和他的夫人。

A score of men, for this was the very thickest of the ambush, joined in this cruel and untimely mirth.───有二十个人--因为这儿是埋伏人数最多的一处--参加了这个残忍的不合时宜的作乐活动。

The word was no sooner out of my mouth than the whole crowd of spectators joined in a general shriek of "Fire! " .───我的喊声刚落,全部看热闹的人,也齐声尖叫起来:“火”。

Sometimes, my son was kicked off and he was a little disappointed and a little angry after he joined in a team.───有时儿子加入一个团队,就被踢出来了,他有点儿失望,也有点儿生气。

When they arrived at Gibeah, a procession of prophets met him; the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he joined in their prophesying.───扫罗到了那山,有一班先知遇见他,上帝的灵大大感动他,他就在先知中受感说话。

Carry traders were lulled into a false sense of security, while more sceptical competitors joined in for fear of underperforming.───利差交易者被安全的错觉所麻痹,同时稍微警惕一些的竞争对手因害怕业绩不佳,也加入了这一行列。


When he joined in the boxing I used to second him.

Bill sang the verses and everyone joined in the chorus.

One man began to clap, and others joined in.

Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in chorus.

He started to applaud and the others joined in.

All parties joined in bitter denunciation of the terrorists.

Foster joined in the laughter.

Larsson sometimes joined in the fun, but with more discretion.

Several children joined in the chase.

  • joined in love
  • joined hands




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