

词汇 joined at the hip
释义 joined at the hip
joined at the hip发音





chafe at the bit───被咬而擦伤

down at the heel───(鞋履)后跟破损的;不整洁的;邋遢的

in at the kill───在杀人现场

on the hip───处于不利地位

pained in the neck───极讨厌的人或事

to fire from the hip───从臀部开火

beat the rap───逃过刑事责任;摆脱困境

champ at the bit───急于开始;不安地咬嚼子

chomp at the bit───咬牙切齿


Analytics tooling is joined at the hip with export tooling, as the latter is intrinsic in actually being able to do something useful with your data once you've run your analytics.───分析工具和导出工具就像是连体婴儿,在您进行数据分析时,后者实际上本身就可以做一些对数据分析有帮助的事。

of the common themes between almost all of the posts is that Web 3.0 and the vision of the Semantic Web are joined at the hip.───发表的几乎所有的文章中间,其共同的主题是Web 3.0和语义化Web远景是密不可分的。

servers are built, consider them joined at the hip: make changes on both servers consistently all the time.───服务器构建好后,应将它们视为“连体婴儿”:总是同时在两个服务器上进行一致的更改。

S. and China joined at the hip at least until this financial crisis has fully worked itself out. --with contributions from Bai Lin.───至少在金融危机没有完全过去以前,这种情况将使中美两国继续穿同一条裤子。

"Adolescents are less joined at the hip to their parents. Toddlers don't have the same access to move in and out of the house, " Bauer said.───Bauer说:“青少年较不会成为父母的跟屁虫,而初学走路的孩子不能随心所欲地进出家门。”

Mr. Greenspan and Mr. Rubin were "joined at the hip on this, " he said.───在这件事情上,格林斯潘和鲁宾已达成“攻守同盟”,他说。

Britain and the U. S. would no longer be "joined at the hip" on foreign policy, new Foreign Office minister Lord Malloch-Brown said.───新的外交大臣说英国和美国在外交政策上不再“交情极深”。

John and May are joined at the hip. Whatever difficulties anyone of the two suffered from, they always helped each other.───John和May交情很深。不管他们中的哪一个遇到困难,他们总是相互帮助。

Eg1. The two companies have been joined at the hip since their founders went camping together a hundred years ago.───两家公司之间的密切联系可以追述到一百年前他们的创始人都参与的一次野营。


They were born joined at the hip and are learning to walk with artificial legs after being separated.

  • joined in love
  • joined hands




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