bass player───贝斯手
best player───最佳选手;(BestPlayer)《最佳玩家》(电影名)
tennis player───n.网球选手
air sprayer───飞机喷雾机
bass players───贝斯手
key player───关键球员;核心球员
moss layer───藓层
When you miss seeing that, I swear to you, you're missing the whole point of the Jesus prayer.───当你们错过看到那个时,我向你们发誓,你们错过了耶稣祷告文的重点。
If you're going to say the Jesus prayer, at least say it to Jesus and not to Saint Francis and Seymour and Heidi's grandfather all wrapped up in one.───如果你要说耶稣祷告语的话,至少应该是对耶稣说,而不是对弗朗西斯圣人说,西莫和海蒂的祖母也是这样。
When she comes back to consciousness, she stares at the ceiling, then begins to move her lips soundlessly over and over again in the Jesus Prayer.───当她的意识恢复过来的时候,她看着天花板,嘴唇动了起来,她在一遍又一遍地默念着《慕善集》的祷告词。
To say the Jesus Prayer a hundred time attentively and without haste, about half an hour is needed, but some ascetics require even longer.───专心而从容地念一百遍耶稣祷文大约要半个小时,有些修士可能要更长的时间。
- jesus college
- jesus prayer
- jesus saves