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词汇 turn
释义 turnUK:*/ˈtɜːrn/US:/tɝn/ ,(tûrn)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 turn vi (rotate)回转;转过来The man's head turned and he spotted me.那人回过头来看到了我。 turn vi (rotate on an axis)绕着轴心转动It is amazing how the world keeps on turning.地球就这样一直绕着地轴旋转,真是神奇。 turn vi (revolve)旋转;转动Vinyl records turn on a turntable.黑胶唱片在唱盘上转动。
 turn vi (right or left)转弯;转向At the end of the block, turn left.这个街区走到头,再向左转。 turn to [sth] vi + prep (move to face: a direction)将头转向Everyone, turn to your screens. Please turn to the right to see the monument.所有人,将头转向各自的屏幕。请将头转向右侧的名胜古迹。 turn [sth] vtr (change position of, rotate)使转向;把…转过来;使朝着He turned the vase to make it face the room.他将花瓶转向房间一面。 turn to [sth] vi + prep (become)成为The leaves turned to mush underfoot.落叶成为脚下的软泥。 turn n (bend, curve in a road) (道路)转弯The road made a sharp turn to the left.这条路向左侧急转。 turn n (change of direction)转向;转弯;改变方向The car shook off its pursuers with a sudden turn to the right.那辆车右转了。 其他翻译 turn n (rotation)旋转;转动A few turns of the handle of the vice will give you a good grip.转动几圈虎钳的把手能够让你抓得更牢。 turn n (revolution)转圈;一圈Every turn of the wheel provides power to the mill.水车每转一圈都会给磨坊提供动能。 turn n (page: flip) (书页等)翻转,翻动The novel was over in a turn of the page.再翻动一页,这本小说就结束了。 turn n figurative (opportunity, change) (比喻)转机,机遇This is a fortunate turn, which I am not going to waste.这就是个转机,我不会浪费掉的。 turn n (game: go) (轮流)(一)次机会It is your turn, so roll the dice.轮到你了,掷骰子吧。
 turn n figurative (time, date: change) (比喻)(时间、日期的)转折点,转变时期That car is from the turn of the century.那辆车生产于世纪之交。 turn n (single winding) (缠绕)一圈Another turn and the coil should be all wrapped around the reel.再来一圈,那根线圈应该就能全部缠在卷轴上了。 turn n (change of position)翻动;翻身For all her turns, she just couldn't get comfortable.翻了多次身,她就是不能调整到一个舒服的状态。 turn n (turned position) (位置)转动,改变,调整A turn of that vase would allow us to see the pattern.转动那个花瓶,这样我们就能看到瓶身上的花纹了。 turn n (trend, direction) (趋势、倾向、话题等)转变,转移A turn in the conversation to political issues caught Dan's interest.话题转变成了时政问题,引起了丹的兴趣。 turn n figurative (modification) (比喻)调整,改动;变化The forecast is warning of a turn in the weather next week.天气预报警告下周会发生天气变化。 turn n (twist)缠绕;拧Another two turns of the cable around the pole should be enough.将电缆绕杆子再缠两圈应该就足够了。 turn n figurative (style) (比喻)风格,样式The stylist gave the dress a modern turn.设计师赋予了那件裙子一种现代的风格。 turn n (short trip)兜一圈;散一圈步A turn around the block will give us a break from work.绕着街区散一圈步,能让我们休息一下。 turn n (shift)转折;变化;转变Another strange turn in our lives was when Grandma started seeing fairies at the bottom of the garden.我们生活中另一个奇特的转折点是奶奶开始看到花园里有精灵的时候。 turn n informal, figurative (period of illness)生病期;生病的时间The turn left him weak and disoriented.生病期让他变得软弱无力、迷失了方向。 turn n informal (service or disservice)(有帮助或有危害的)举动;行为His former partner did him a bad turn. turn n informal, dated (fright, shock)惊吓,吓唬;震惊,吃惊It was such a turn to see Bill when we all thought he was dead.大家都以为比尔已经死了,所以当他出现的时候,大家都吃了一惊。 turn n (finance: purchase and sale) (证券等)交易,买卖The trader lives on quick turns of volatile equities.交易员以股市波动中的快买快卖为生。 turn n (music: embellishment) (音乐)回音You are inserting too many turns. Try to keep it simple.你加入了太多的回音,试着让作品简单点。 turn n (military drill: change of position) (军事队列操练)转,转弯走The squad executed a turn.小队转了个弯。 turn from [sth] into [sth] v expr (change shape)改变…的形状;改变…的体形With exercise, she turned herself from a couch potato into a honed running machine. turn vi (sour, ferment) (牛奶等)变酸,发酸The milk has turned.牛奶已经发酸了。 turn vi (change, become [sth] new) (树叶)变化,变色The leaves have all turned.树叶都变色了。 turn vi (set a course)转向;改变方向We will be heading north after we turn.转向之后,我们将会朝北方前进。 turn vi (change course)改变路线;改变方向The boat is starting to turn.船只开始改变路线了。 turn vi (change position)翻来覆去;翻身She is constantly turning in bed.她一直在床上不断地翻身。 turn vi (bend, curve)转弯;转向The road turned.道路转向了。 turn into [sth/sb] vi + prep (become)变成;变为She turned into a fine young woman. turn into [sth] vi + prep (change form)改变形状The caterpillar will turn into a butterfly. turn to [sb/sth] vi + prep (direct attention toward) (注意力)转移Let's turn to the agenda for next week's meeting. turn into [sth] vi + prep (enter by turning)转弯进入;拐入;转入At the end of the road, turn into the driveway.在这条道路的尽头,转入私人车道。 turn [sth] vtr (flip)翻转She turned the paper so that he couldn't see what was written on it. turn [sth] vtr (shape)使...成形;将...制成That sculptor turns wood beautifully. turn [sth] vtr (execute, finish)结束;完成You should be able to turn this job in two hours. turn [sb] vtr (upset)使心烦,使沮丧His words turned her, and she began to cry. turn [sb] vtr (influence)让...回心转意;让...改变观点Are you trying to turn me to your point of view? turn [sth] vtr (change color) (颜色)改变;变成...颜色In autumn, the leaves turned brown. turn [sth] vtr (change temperature) (指温度)变得The day turned hot. turn [sth] vtr (sell)卖;售出We can turn thirty cases of that item this week. turn [sth] vtr (profit: earn)赚;牟利;获得Our business hopes to turn a profit. turn [sth] vtr (twist)缠绕;卷, 拧Turn the threads to make a rope. turn [sth] vtr (pass: a time) (时间等)超过,越过It's just turned twelve. turn [sth] vtr (shape on a lathe) (在车床上)削, 旋The carpenter turned four table legs. turn [sth] vtr (phrase well)为...修辞; (用优美的辞藻)修饰Shakespeare knew how to turn a phrase. turn [sb] vtr slang (cause to change allegiance)使叛变, 使变节A foreign government turned one of our agents. turn [sth] vtr (gymnastics: do, perform)翻筋斗Marla turned somersaults across the lawn.马拉翻着筋斗从草坪的一端翻到了另一端。 turn [sth] vtr (reach an age) (年龄)年满,满My great-grandmother turned 99 last week.My little boy turns 5 next month. turn [sth] vtr (ankle: twist)扭伤,扭,崴I turned my ankle hurrying down some steps. turn [sth] to [sth], turn [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (transform)改变;转变You turn my sadness to joy. turn [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (render)使变成The brewer turns the grain and hops into beer. turn [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (translate)翻译;译成Please turn the English into French. 动词短语 turn [sth] around vtr phrasal sep figurative (transform, reform)把…完全改变;彻底改变My sister has turned her life around.我妹妹彻底改变了自己的人生。 turn [sth] around vtr phrasal sep figurative (provide or do [sth])交付The factory turns orders around within a week. The translator turned the project around in three days.这家工厂在一周内就交付了那些订单。这名翻译用了三天时间交付了该项目。 turn aside vi phrasal (avert your gaze) (某人的目光)避开;转过脸;躲开She turned aside when their eyes met. turn aside from [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (avert gaze from [sth])避开;从…转过脸来 turn away vi phrasal (face opposite way)转过脸去Vicky turned away and counted to fifty while the rest of us hid.维姬转过身去,数到五十,其余人都躲了起来。 turn away from [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (face opposite way)转过脸去不看Jane turned away from Peter after she told him to go to hell.简对彼得说了去死后,转头就不理他了。 turn away from [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (move further from [sth], [sb])离开;走开I turned away from the town and set my eyes on new horizons.我离开了镇子,把目光投向了新的方向。 turn away vi phrasal (avert your gaze)转过脸去;避开Kiera turned away whenever there was a violent scene in the movie.只要电影中一出现暴力场面,基拉就会转过头去。 turn away from [sth] vi phrasal + prep (avert your gaze from [sth])转过脸去不看Witnesses had to turn away from the grisly sight.目击者不得不转过头不去看那恐怖的景象。 turn away from [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (reject)拒绝Don't turn away from my love.You must turn away from a life of crime if you want to stay out of jail.不要拒绝我的爱。//如果不想进监狱,你就必须远离犯罪生活。 turn back vi phrasal (retrace one's route)折回;返回The mountain climber was exhausted, but he refused to turn back.那名登山的人已经筋疲力尽了,不过他拒绝折回。 turn [sth/sb] down, turn down [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (decline, refuse)拒绝;回绝;婉谢The bank turned down my application for a loan.银行拒绝了我的贷款申请。 turn [sth] down, turn down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (sound: reduce volume)关小…的音量;调小…的音量I wish you'd turn down that music!我希望你把音乐关小点声! turn from [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (reject)排斥;对…感到厌恶 turn [sb] in vtr phrasal sep (inform on to the police)检举;告发She knew her brother had committed a crime, but she refused to turn him in.她知道她兄弟犯了罪,但她拒绝告发他。 turn in vi phrasal informal (go to bed)上床睡觉It's getting very late, I'm going to turn in.很晚了,我要上床睡觉了。 turn [sth] in, turn in [sth] vtr phrasal sep (submit, hand in)上交;提交Emma lost marks for turning in her homework a day late.艾玛因迟交了一天作业而扣了分数。 turn off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exit: a road)离开;转往另一条路We turned off the main road and drove into the country.我们离开了主干道,驶入了乡村。 turn off vi phrasal (exit a road) (一条路)驶离,离开Evie's satnav told her to turn off at the next exit.Evie的卫星导航系统告诉她在下个出口出去。 turn [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (disgust)使…反感Men who smoke really turn me off.那个吸烟的男人真让人感到恶心。 turn [sth] on, turn on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (switch on) (开关等)打开;开启;接通Carl turned on the radio to listen to the news.卡尔打开收音机听新闻。 turn [sb] on, turn on [sb] vtr phrasal sep slang (excite sexually)使某人性奋;挑起某人性欲He turned me on and I just couldn't resist.他让我好性奋,我完全抗拒不了。 turn on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (become hostile to)与某人敌对;敌视;对某人有敌意We were getting along well and then suddenly he turned on me.我们一直相处融洽,他却突然变得对我怀有敌意。 turn out vi phrasal (be present, attend [sth])出席;参加Not many people turned out to vote on election day.选举日那天没有多少人到场投票。 turn out vi phrasal (conclude: well, badly)结果是(怎么样);证明是The forecast is good, but it is too soon to say how it will turn out.这个预测很好,但现在下结论还为时尚早。 turn out, turn out that vtr phrasal insep (transpire that)结果是;情况是I thought Isabelle was American, but it turns out she's from Canada.我以为伊莎贝尔是美国人,但结果她是加拿大人。 turn [sth] out, turn out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (light: switch off) (灯)关,熄Ana put down her book and turned out the bedside light.安娜放下书,关了床头灯。 turn [sth] out, turn out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (company, etc.: produce) (公司等)生产,制造This factory turns out 20,000 toothbrushes every day.这家工厂每天生产20000支牙刷。 turn [sth] out, turn out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (tip out contents of)倒出Gina turned out her handbag and rummaged through her things for the car keys.吉娜打开手提包,翻找车钥匙。 turn [sb] out, turn out [sb] vtr phrasal sep (evict)赶走;撵走Eva's parents turned her out after she stole money from them. turn over vi phrasal (roll, flip over)翻滚;翻转;翻倒If you can't sleep turn over onto your other side and try again.如果你睡不着,翻身到另一面,再试着睡。turn over [sth] vtr phrasal insep (earn)赚The company turns over 3 million dollars a year.这家公司每年赚300万美元。turn [sth] over, turn over [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (ponder)反复思考;翻来覆去考虑She turned the idea over in her mind.她在脑中反复琢磨这个想法。turn to [sb], turn to [sb] for help vtr phrasal insep (seek help from [sb])向…寻求帮助;求助于I'm in such a bad situation that I don't know who to turn to.Don't turn to him for help, he can't be trusted.身处如此糟糕的情境,我不知道该向谁求助。/// 不用向他求助,他并不可靠。turn to [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (resort to: a course of action)诉诸Josie turned to therapy to deal with her emotional problems.乔西转向去治疗她的情绪问题。turn up vi phrasal (arrive, be present)到场;到达;到达I didn't expect him to turn up at my party as he wasn't invited.No telling when he'd turn up, he was never on time.我没想到他会在我的派对上出现,我并没有邀请。/ /不知道他什么时候来,他从来没有准时过。turn up vi phrasal (be found)被发现Don't worry about your glasses: they'll turn up.I often lose my keys but they usually turn up somewhere in the kitchen.不用担心你的眼镜,你会找到的。//我经常丢钥匙,但通常我都会在厨房的某个角落找到。turn your stomach vi phrasal (make nauseous)令人恶心;让人反胃The bad smell turned my stomach. 复合形式: about-face, also UK: about-turn n figurative (policy, opinion: reversal) (观点、政策的)彻底转变Following a strong public outcry, the politician did an about-face regarding his position on global warming. about-face, also UK: about-turn n (military: turn)向后转 About-face!, also UK: About-turn! interj (military: turn) (军事)向后转!;朝反方向前进!Company halt! About-face! Forward march! about-face, also UK: about-turn vi (military: perform a turn)向后转 about-face, also UK: about-turn vi (turn in opposite direction)大转变;大转弯 at every turn adv (constantly, repeatedly)处处;老是;老是 bad turn in the weather n (change to unpleasant weather)天气转坏;天气变糟糕The meteorologists are predicting a bad turn in the weather this weekend. do [sb] a good turn, do a good turn for [sb] v expr (perform a kind act)帮助某人;做对某人有利的事 go gray, turn gray (US), go grey, turn grey (UK) vi + adj (person: have graying hair) (人)头发变灰白He began to turn grey in his early 40s. go gray, turn gray (US), go grey, turn grey (UK) vi + adj (hair: be graying) (头发)变灰白 go sour, turn sour vi + adj (milk, etc.: turn bad) (牛奶等)变质;变酸If you leave milk out in a warm place, it will go sour. go sour, turn sour vi + adj figurative (friendship, etc: turn bad) (友情等)变坏Their relationship quickly turned sour. good turn n (favor, kind act)做好事;行善 hairpin turn, hairpin curve (US), hairpin bend (UK) n (road: sharp bend)(道路上)惊险的转弯That mountain road is full of hairpin turns next to sheer cliffs. hand's turn n UK, regional, informal (stroke of work)轻微的劳动;举手之劳 in turn adv (one at a time, in rotation)依次;轮流He looked at all the horses in turn until he found one he wanted to ride.他依次看了看所有的马,直到找到他想要骑的那一匹。 in turn adv (by turns, alternately)按顺序;排队The two of us drank from the bottle in turn until it was empty.我们俩轮流喝瓶中的水,直到把瓶子喝空为止。 in turn, in your turn adv (connector: subsequently)随后;接下来John gave me the book and I, in turn, gave it to Sandy.The boy had been bullied, and he went on, in his turn, to bully others.约翰把书给了我,我随后又将书给了桑迪。//男孩被欺负了,他随后又去欺负别人。 would make [sb] turn over in his/her/their grave, would make [sb] turn in his/her/their grave v expr figurative (would offend: dead person) (比喻)让...的棺材板快压不住了 no adj (forbidding [sth])禁止备注: Used on public notices to forbid an activity or thing.There are signs saying "No smoking" all over the construction site.施工现场到处挂着“严禁吸烟”的牌子。 nowhere to turn n (no help or support available)无路可走;无处可获得(帮助、保护、依靠等)When he lost his job, his insurance, and his wife, he had nowhere to turn. out of turn adv (in incorrect order)顺序错误The player was disqualified for playing out of turn. out of turn adv (inappropriately)不适当地;不合时宜地Julie admitted she had spoken out of turn and apologised.朱莉承认她讲了不合时宜的话并为此道了歉。 quarter turn n (90-degree rotation)直角转弯,旋转90度 sharp turn n (abrupt curve in a road)急转弯The house is located just past the sharp turn in the road. sprain your ankle, turn your ankle v expr (suffer injury: twisted ankle)扭伤脚踝 take a turn v expr (have one's chance, have a go)尝试;去做The teacher said the kids had to wait if they wanted to take a turn on the rides. take a turn v expr (change)发生变化;发生转变 take a turn for the worse v expr (deteriorate)恶化,变糟His condition remained stable for three days, then suddenly he took a turn for the worse. three-point turn n (three-stage vehicle turn)三点掉头 tip the scale, turn the scale (US), tip the scales, turn the scales (UK) v expr figurative (cause [sth] to be more likely)起决定作用;打破平衡 toss and turn v expr (lie in bed awake and agitated)辗转反侧 turn a blind eye v expr figurative (pretend not to see [sth]) (比喻)假装没看见, 视而不见I knew exactly what she was up to but decided to turn a blind eye. turn a blind eye on [sth], turn a blind eye to [sth] v expr figurative (pretend not to see)对…视而不见,对…熟视无睹The corrupt inspector agreed to turn a blind eye to the safety violations. turn a corner v expr (turn into next road) (本义)转弯,拐弯 turn a corner v expr figurative (enter a new phase) (比喻)进入一个新的局面;迈入新时期;进入新阶段Scientists believe they have turned a corner in their search for a cure for cancer. turn a deaf ear v expr figurative (be unwilling to listen) (比喻)假装没听见,置若罔闻,充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to [sb/sth] v expr figurative (be unwilling to listen to)对...置之不理He needs to believe in himself and turn a deaf ear to his critics. turn a profit v expr (make money, generate income)获得盈利 turn against [sb] vi + prep figurative (become hostile to)与…敌对;敌视;转而反对The dog inexplicably turned against his owner and had to be put down. turn [sb] against [sb] vtr + prep (prejudice [sb] against [sb])让...敌视, 使...与...敌对;令...反对The family turned her against me. turn around, also UK: turn round vi + adv (move to face away)转身If you turn around, you'll see a beautiful sunset.如果你转身,就能看见美丽的日落。 turn around, also UK: turn round vi + adv (spin, rotate, revolve)转动The record turns around at 33 rpm.唱片每分钟转33转。 turn around [sth] vi + prep (rotate around [sth])围绕…转动The Earth turns around its axis.地球围绕地轴转动。 turn [sth] aside vtr + adv (deflect) (轨道、道路)偏离;改变…方向 turn [sth] aside vtr + adv figurative (reject)拒绝接受;驳回The judge turned aside the company's argument that the court had no jurisdiction over the case. turn aside from [sth] v expr figurative (avoid involvement in)避免卷入;躲开 turn away from doing [sth] v expr figurative (avoid involvement)避免卷入;躲开He turns away from dealing with beggars.他避开与乞丐打交道。 turn [sth] away from [sth] vtr + prep (cause to move away)把…赶走;撵走It was hard to turn the cattle away from the broken fence.很难把牛从破篱笆中赶走。 turn [sb] away vtr + adv (deny entry)把…拒之门外Turn them away at the gate.把他们关在门外。 turn back the clock v expr figurative (restore youth)把钟拨慢;倒退When she reached the age of 80 she became desperate to turn back the clock.Nora hoped that plastic surgery would turn back the clock for her. turn back the clock v expr figurative (revert)把钟拨慢;倒退The restore function in my computer turns back the clock to reset the software. turn [sth] down, turn down [sth] vtr + adv (reduce by turning a knob)转动旋钮降低;降低;减小The chef turned the heat down under the pan and let it simmer.厨师将锅下的热度调小,让它慢炖。 turn [sth] down, turn down [sth] vtr + adv (fold back: blankets on bed) (毛毯、床单等)将...折过来, 翻折The hotel cleaner had turned down the sheets and left a chocolate on the pillow.酒店清洁人员将床单折叠好,并将一块巧克力放在枕头上。 turn [sth] inside out v expr (reverse or invert)把…翻过来,把…翻面 turn left vi (go round a left-hand corner)向左转 turn [sb/sth] loose vtr + adj (release, set free)释放;放出The dogs were making such a noise that I turned them loose in the paddock. turn of events n (new occurrence)新情况;有变故 turn of mind n (inclination, bent)性情,秉性He's of a generally pessimistic turn of mind. turn of phrase n (expression, wording)措辞;用词He read over the letter, savouring every turn of phrase. turn of phrase n (style of expression)表达方式;表达风格That novelist has a wonderful turn of phrase. turn of the century n (point when one century becomes another)世纪之交At the turn of the century Queen Victoria was still on the throne. turn [sth] off, turn off [sth] vtr + adv (switch off, extinguish) (开关等)关闭;关掉;断开Before I go to sleep I turn off the T.V.睡觉前,我关掉了电视。 turn [sb] off [sth/sb] v expr informal (cause to dislike)使某人对某物失去兴趣;使某人不再喜欢某物Getting drunk on whisky turned Ben off alcohol completely.喝威士忌喝醉,让本彻底对酒失去兴趣。 turn on a dime v expr US, informal, figurative (change direction quickly)快速改变方向 turn on the light v expr (switch the light on)开灯;打开灯I always turn on the light when I walk into the room. turn [sth] out, turn out [sth] vtr + adv (move to face outward)朝外转Stand with your legs hip-width apart and turn your feet out.双腿站开,与臀部同宽,双脚朝外转。 turn out right v expr informal (end well)最后证明是正确的Annie hoped her project would turn out right so she'd get a good grade. turn out to be [sth/sb] v expr (be discovered to be)原来是;原是The man convicted of the crime turned out to be innocent. turn out to be [sth/sb] v expr (become)变成;成为Your son has turned out to be a hardworking young man; you must be proud of him. turn [sth/sb] over, turn over [sth/sb] vtr + adv (roll, flip over)把…翻过去;打翻;使…翻滚The chef turned the omelet over to gently brown the other side.那位厨师将煎蛋卷翻过来,将另一面煎至浅褐色。turn [sth/sb] over to [sb], turn over [sth/sb] to [sb] v expr (deliver, surrender [sth])把…交给…;把…移交给…She turned the money over to her boss.她把钱交给老板。turn over a new leaf v expr figurative (reform your behaviour)重新开始;改过自新turn pale vi (go white: from shock, etc.)(脸色)变得苍白The bad news from home made her turn pale.turn red vi informal (blush)脸红Audrey turned red when her 3-year-old son vomited over the bus driver.His compliments made her face turn red.turn red vi informal (go red in the face) (脸)变红;涨红Harry turned red with anger when he saw the scratch down the side of his new car.turn right vi (go round a right-hand corner)向右转When you reach the traffic lights turn right onto Buck Street.turn signal n US (driving)转向灯;转向信号turn tail vtr + n figurative (run away)转身逃跑Seeing the criminal with a gun made her turn tail.turn the corner v expr figurative (get past an obstacle) (比喻)好转, 渡过难关, 转危为安He's in a serious condition but we're hoping he'll turn the corner by morning.turn the other cheek v expr figurative (not retaliate)甘愿挨打;甘心忍受;不予回击She was being extremely rude but I decided to turn the other cheek.turn the tables v expr figurative (take revenge) (比喻)复仇turn the tables on [sb] vtr figurative (take revenge on)转而占…的上风I'd been badmouthing my colleague for months, in the hope of beating her to a promotion, but she turned the tables on me by telling the boss about all the paperwork I hadn't done.turn the tables on [sth/sb] vtr (reverse relative positions of)扭转…的局势turn the tide v expr figurative (change the course of [sth])扭转形势;扭转潮流The USA's decision to enter the war helped to turn the tide and enabled the Allies to gain victory.turn to [sb] for help v expr (ask [sb] for assistance)向某人寻求帮助turn [sth/sb] to stone v expr (petrify, make into stone)使…石化The witch waved her wand and the fox turned to stone.turn tricks v expr informal (perform acts of prostitution)卖淫turn [sth] up, turn up [sth] vtr + adv (increase output, volume) (音量等)开大,调高;调大We turned the TV up to drown the noise of our neighbours arguing.我们将电视的音量调大来盖过邻居的争吵声。turn-up n UK, usually plural (hem of pants: cuff)卷起裤边Turn-ups are too casual for the office.卷边裤对办公来说太随意了。turn-up n UK, informal (surprise)意想不到的事What a turn-up it was when Dave burst in shouting "Stop the wedding!"谁都没有想到,戴夫会突然喊道:“停止婚礼!”a turn up for the books n ([sth] surprising)意想不到的事情;意料之外的事turn [sth] upside down, turn [sth] upside-down v expr (invert)倒转,使…倒置,颠倒I turned my bag upside down and shook the contents onto the floor, hoping to find my keys.我颠倒自己的包,将包里的东西倒到地上,希望能找到自己的钥匙。turn [sth] upside down, turn [sth] upside-down v expr figurative (rummage through roughly)把…翻得乱七八糟The house was turned upside down as the burglars searched for valuable items.turn [sth] upside down, turn [sth] upside-down v expr figurative (change dramatically) (比喻)使…翻天覆地,(生活等发生巨大变化)完全颠倒…The terrible news turned his world upside down.turn upside down, turn upside-down vi + adv (be inverted)倒置, 倒过来Aleesha felt sick as the roller coaster turned upside down.turn white vi (go pale: from shock, etc.) (脸色)变白,发白The bad news about her brother being in hospital made her turn white.turn your back on [sb/sth] vtr (abandon, reject)对…不屑一顾;背叛,抛弃;背叛;抛弃Shame on you for turning your back on your friends after such a small disagreement.turn your life around v expr (change for the better)改变生活;转变人生turn your nose up v expr figurative (show disgust, disdain)嗤之以鼻;不屑一顾turn up your nose at [sth], turn your nose up at [sth] v expr figurative (show disgust, disdain for)对...嗤之以鼻;对...不屑一顾turn-on n informal (aphrodisiac)激发性欲之物;春药Many people think of oysters as a turn-on.turn-on n informal ([sth] that arouses interest)引发兴趣的东西Some people find visiting museums and art galleries a turn-on, but it's not really my kind of thing.有的人对博物馆和美术馆非常感兴趣,但我并不怎么喜欢。turnoff, turn-off n (side road off main road)岔路;岔道Take the next turnoff to get to the supermarket.turnoff, turn-off n informal ([sth] unappealing, repellent)使人扫兴的东西The bar's atmosphere was a bit of a turnoff for me.这家酒吧的氛围让我有点扫兴。turnoff, turn-off n informal ([sth] sexually unappealing)令人失去性趣的东西;让人丧失性欲的特征Beards are a turnoff for many women.turnout, also UK: turn-out n (number of people gathered)出席人数,到场人数The turnout was much better than we expected.turnout, also UK: turn-out n (number of people voting)投票人数Voter turnout was much higher than at the last general election.turnout, also UK: turn-out n (person's dress)一套服装;装束At the gala George's turnout was exceedingly formal.twist and turn v expr (writhe)迂回曲折;蜿蜒twist and turn v expr figurative (be evasive)坐立不安;辗转反侧twists and turns npl figurative (different experiences)种种波折;坎坷经历Jacob had experienced many twists and turns in his life.twists and turns npl figurative (changing plot) (情节)曲折离奇;出人意料There are a lot of twists and turns in the crime novel I'm reading.u-turn, U-turn n (180-degree turn)U形转弯, 180度转弯;掉头We came to a dead end and had to make a u-turn.u-turn, U-turn n figurative (reversal of opinion)完全转变, 大转变The politician made a u-turn following the recent outcry.wait your turn v expr (be patient)有耐心点You should wait your turn.your turn n informal (time when you do [sth])该你了;轮到你了




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