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词汇 train
释义 trainUK:*/ˈtreɪn/US:/treɪn/ ,(trān)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 train n (railway) (运输)列车,火车There are trains leaving for Paris every hour.每个小时都有开往巴黎的列车。 train [sb] vtr (teach)教授某人;培训;训练We have someone new starting at work on Monday and I have to train her.周一会有新人上岗,我负责培训她。 train [sth] vtr (animal: teach to behave) (动物)训练,驯It is hard work training a dog.训狗是件难事。 train vi (sports: practise, exercise)训练;锻练The team trained daily at the beginning of the season.本赛季初,该队每天都进行训练。 train vi (learn)接受训练;授受培训They trained to be mechanics. No, I can't do it yet; I am still training.他们接受了技工培训。不,我还不会做,我还在接受培训。 train [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep (teach about [sth]) (某方面的知识)教某人…The instructor trained them in the use of the computer program.指导员教他们如何使用该电脑程序。 train [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (person: teach to do)教某人做某事The coach trained her skaters to spin on one foot.教练教她的溜冰学员如何用单脚在冰面上旋转。 train [sth] to do [sth] vtr + prep (animal: teach to do) (动物)训练…做某事It is important to train your puppy not to bite.训练狗狗不要咬主人很重要。 其他翻译 train n (series of vehicles)车队There was a long train of cars waiting to get onto the ferry.有一列长长的车队排队等候着登上渡轮。 train n (procession)队列;队伍There was a long train of people in the funeral procession.送葬的队伍有着长长一队的人。 train n (group of followers)一组(随行人员)The film star was followed by a train of aides.电影明星后面跟着一组随行人员。 train n (of a dress or robe)拖裙,裙摆The train on her wedding dress was two metres long.她婚礼礼群的裙摆有两米长。 train n (connected machinery)齿轮组;轮系The gear train requires constant lubrication.齿轮组需要经常润滑。 train [sb] vtr (sports: coach) (体育运动)训练The coaches train the football players. train [sth] vtr (guide a plant's growth)使...朝…生长I trained the ivy to grow up the wall. train [sth] vtr (aim)瞄准;对准The guns were all trained on the enemy soldiers. 复合形式: bullet train n (Japan: fast rail service) (日本)动车;子弹列车I caught the bullet train, which as always was very punctual. by train adv (travel or transport: on a train)乘火车The easiest way to get there is by train. cargo train n (freight-carrying train)货运火车;货运列车Cargo trains often carry coal or lumber. catch a train, catch the train v expr (go by train)赶火车;乘火车I'm going to catch a train home after I get out from work. commuter train n (train between home and work)通勤列车;市郊往返列车 cross-train [sb] vtr (make skilled at different tasks)交叉培训;交叉训练 drive train, drivetrain n (automotive system)传动系统 electric train n (train powered by electricity)电气列车;电动列车 freight train (US), goods train (UK) n (railway train that carries cargo)货运列车The passenger train was delayed in order to allow a freight train to pass. gravy train n slang, figurative (easy wealth)(可以轻松捞钱的)肥缺;美差The public works project is a gravy train for the builder. high-speed train n (railway train designed to travel very fast)高速火车I can get to Madrid in two hours using the new high-speed train. house-train vtr UK (toilet-train pet)大小便训练 in the train of [sth] expr (in the aftermath of)由于;因为In the train of the storm, many people were left homeless. in train expr (in progress)准备就绪;准备妥当 milk train n (train for shipping dairy products)牛奶列车;运奶火车 milk train n figurative (slow train)慢车 passenger train n (railway train that carries people)旅客列车The TGV is a high speed French passenger train. potty train [sb], potty-train [sb] vtr (teach to use the toilet)如厕训练 power train (machinery) (机械)动力传动,动力传统系统 railcar, railroad car (US), railway car, railway carriage, train carriage, carriage (UK) n (passenger coach of a train)客车厢 road train n AU (linked trailers pulled by 1 truck)长列拖车;公路列车 sky train n informal (elevated railway system)架空列车,空中列车 toilet-train [sb], toilet train [sb] vtr (teach to use toilet)训练…上厕所 toy train n (child's plaything: miniature train)玩具火车The little boy spent hours rolling his toy train along the track. train car n (carriage of a railway train)火车车厢 train conductor n (ticket collector on railway train)列车员The train conductor punched our tickets and announced the next stop. train driver n UK (engineer: [sb] who drives a train)火车司机 train of thought n (sequence of ideas)思路I got confused when I was explaining it, and lost my train of thought. train schedule n (railway timetable)列车时刻表;列车明细表We'll need to look at the train schedule to see when the train arrives at our stop. train service n (provision of railway transport)铁路运输服务Unfortunately there's no train service to Bexhill so we'll have to take the bus. train station n (railway stop)火车站You must buy your ticket online or at the train station before you travel.出发前,你必须在网上或火车站买好票。 train stop n (railway: scheduled station)火车站I must get off at the next train stop. train stop n (railway: safety device)火车站The collision occurred when the train stop failed to protect the train due to a design error. train ticket n (ticket for travel by railway)火车票Train tickets, like airline tickets, can be purchased through a travel agent. train track n (rails of a railway)铁道;铁轨 train trip n (journey by railway)乘火车旅行Train trips allow you to see more of the countryside than flying. train wreck (US), train crash (UK) n (railroad accident)火车事故 train wreck, trainwreck n mainly US, figurative, informal (thing: disaster, mess)灾难;一团糟This report is a train wreck and I'll need to completely redo it. train wreck, trainwreck n mainly US, figurative, informal (person: with many problems)麻烦不断;问题很多My brother was a train wreck all last year. trainspotter, train spotter n UK (hobbyist: observes trains)喜欢看火车记录列车机车号之人 trainspotter, train spotter n UK, figurative (person obsessed with details)过分注重细节的人 wagon train n historical (caravan or convoy of wagons)马车队




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