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词汇 track
释义 trackUK:*/ˈtræk/US:/træk/ ,(trak)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 track n (racing circuit) (体育运动,田径场、赛马场、赛车场)跑道Are you going to the track on Saturday to see the race?你准备星期六去赛道看赛事吗?ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 她每天清晨绕着跑道跑步。 track n (railway line)轨道;铁轨The train tracks pass close to their house.铁轨在他们家附近穿过。 tracks npl (footprints) (人或动物留下的)足迹, 踪迹They came by this way - look, you can see their tracks.他们是从这边来的,看这里的足迹就知道。 tracks npl (imprints, marks)印记;痕迹There were tyre tracks in the mud.泥地上有轮胎的痕迹。 track n (piece of recorded music, song) (唱片、磁带上的)一首(歌曲)The hit song was the third track on the CD.那首热门单曲是CD上的第三首歌。 track [sth] vtr (follow, hunt: an animal)跟踪;追踪;追猎The natives can track an animal for miles.当地土著人可以跟踪动物好几英里。 track [sb] vtr figurative (hunt: person)追踪,追捕The detective had been tracking the criminal for months.侦探连续数月都在追踪罪犯。 track [sth/sb] vtr (monitor route of)追踪,跟踪When you order from this website, you can track the shipment online.在这家网站购物,可以在线跟踪快递。 track [sth/sb] vtr (monitor the progress of) (进展)跟踪The teacher tracked the student's progress.老师对该学生的进步进行了追踪调查。 其他翻译 track n (route of a race)赛道;比赛路线The track of the bike race passed through the town.自行车比赛的赛道穿过了城镇。 track n (path)道路;小径;小路There is a track through the woods to the lake.树林里有一条通往湖泊的小径。 track n (recording track on a cassette) (磁带、唱片)音轨Years ago, people used to listen to eight track tapes.好些年前,人们曾经会听八轨磁带。 track n (one instrument on a song) (音乐中不同乐器的)声道The producer mixed in the drum track with the guitar track.音乐制作人将鼓声声道和吉他声道混在了一起。 track n US (line of movement)足迹;步伐;步子If you are not sure of the dance steps, just follow my track. track n US (educational stream) (按能力或成绩分成的班组)分轨制度的班组He is on the accelerated learning track at his school.他在学校的快班学习。 track n (caterpillar track)履带The tank track came off in the explosion.爆炸中,坦克的轨道脱落了。 track n (distance between wheels)车辙;车轮之间的间距What's the track between the wheels on this car?这辆车车轮间的间距是多少? track n figurative, informal (course of action)一连串的行动,行为步骤,行动路线I think he is on the wrong track by trying to get a job in advertising.我认为他试图在广告业找到一份工作是错误的行为步骤。 track n figurative (line of reasoning) (比喻)思路I know it's difficult to understand, but do you follow my track?我知道这很难理解,不过你跟上我的思路了吗? track n (rail) (过山车等)轨道The rollercoaster's track twists and turns.过山车的轨道迂回曲折。 track n (sport: running)田径运动He went out for track in college.大学期间,他参加了田径运动。 track n US, followed by number (specific rail line)第...轨道The train is arriving on Track 2. tracks, needle tracks npl slang (drug use: needle marks)注射痕迹,针孔,针眼You can tell by the tracks on the man's arms that he is a drug addict.你从那个人手臂上的针眼就能看出他是个瘾君子。 track vi US (cinema: camera movement) (电影)跟踪拍摄,跟拍The director shouted at everyone, while the cameraman kept tracking.摄影师还在跟踪拍摄的时候,导演就朝所有人大吼大叫。 track vi (coordinate with other wheels) (车轮、齿轮等)轨迹吻合,衔接密切This back wheel isn't tracking with the other three.这只后轮的轨迹与其他三个轮子的不吻合。 track [sth] vtr US (travel through, traverse)行走;旅行;穿越The walkers tracked old trails all day. track [sb] vtr US (education: stream) (学生)根据成绩等把...分班He was tracked into the accelerated learning programme. track [sth] vtr (spread: mud) (泥土)把...弄到…上面Now you have tracked mud on the new carpet! track [sth] vtr US (dirty: an area)在…留下脏足迹;走脏;踩脏Look! You have tracked the whole house which I have just cleaned! track [sb/sth] vtr (trace: phone calls, caller) (电话、来电者)追查;追踪The detectives were not able to track the caller.侦探没能追踪到来电者。 动词短语 track [sth/sb] down vtr phrasal sep (locate, hunt for)追踪到;追查到;追捕The posse used bloodhounds to track down the fugitive.武装队用警犬追捕逃犯。 track [sth/sb] down vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (find)找到;追踪到I'll see if I can track down that recipe for you.我看能不能帮你找到那份菜谱。 复合形式: beaten track, beaten path, beaten route n (well-trodden path or route)熟路;常有人走的路If we wander off the beaten track, we'll probably get lost. dog track n (racing circuit for dogs)赛狗跑道 dog track n (dog's paw print)狗爪印You should have left him outside - now there are dog tracks all over my nice clean floor! fast track n figurative (route to rapid advancement)快速通道This course is a fast track to A-level exams that takes one year rather than the usual two. fast-track n as adj figurative (accelerated or privileged)加快的,加速的;快速的 fast-track [sb] vtr (speed the progress of)加快某人的进度 fast-track [sth] vtr (speed the progress of)加快某事的进程His father put pressure on them to fast-track his application. get back on track v expr figurative, informal (regain focus)回到正轨;重回正轨 get on track v expr figurative, informal (pursue correct path) (比喻,非正式用语)走上正轨My coach has a program to help me get on track for the Olympics. half-track n (vehicle)半履带车A half-track is a cross between a tank and a road vehicle. index mark, index track n (point marked on hard disk drive)索引标志The index mark indicates the starting point of a track on a hard drive. inside track n (inside lane of a racecourse)内圈跑道,内圈 inside track n figurative (fast track, position of advantage)有利地位 keep track vi (note or record progress)记录…的进展;了解…的动态Write down what you've achieved each day, as it's important to keep track.因为记录进展很重要,所以把你每天做了些什么都写下来。 keep track of [sth] vtr (monitor, maintain record of)记录;监控My daughter emails me every day so I can keep track of her movements. You should keep track of your expenses so that you know how much money you have left.你应该记录自己的每笔开销,这样一来你就能对自己还剩多少钱做到心里有数。我女儿每天都会发邮件给我,这样我就能监控她的一举一动。 lose track vtr + n (fail to note progress of [sth])不知道,失去概念,迷失Where have we got to with this project? I've lost track. lose track of [sth] v expr (not keep up to date with [sth])没有跟上…的进展I was late because I lost track of time. motor-racing track n (sports circuit for racing vehicles)摩托车赛道 off the beaten track, off the beaten path expr (away from tourist routes)在偏僻处;在人迹罕至处We prefer to eat with the locals in small restaurants off the beaten track. off track, off-track expr figurative (not on expected path)脱轨的,离题的Our discussion seems to have gone off track; let's get back to the main subject. on the right track expr (following the correct path)走对路了,循着正确的路线,走正确的路 on the right track expr figurative (not mistaken or misled) (比喻)(想法、做法等)循着正确的道路After failing her class last semester, she got back on the right track and passed this semester. on track expr figurative, informal (following correct path or schedule)有序安排;合理安排I use an app to keep all my projects on track.我用一款应用程序来安排我所有的项目。 on track for [sth] expr figurative, informal (heading for [sth]) (非正式用语)朝着...行进;朝着...发展;以...为目标The meeting established that the team was on track to finish the project by June.会议确定该团队有望在六月前完成项目。 on track expr figurative, informal (as planned) (非正式用语)按计划 one-track adj (having only one track)单轨的 one-track mind n figurative, informal (mental focus on one thing only)一根筋,一门心思 racetrack, race track n (circuit for horse or motor racing)赛马场跑道;用于赛马的跑道We're going to the racetrack to practice driving. railroad track n US (railway line)铁路轨道;铁轨 running track n (athletic circuit) (指田径)跑道The length of the running track is 400m. single-track adj (road, railway) (铁路)单轨的; (公路、铁路)单线的,单轨的 single-track adj figurative (having narrow scope)单线的,偏狭的That man has a single-track mind; all he ever thinks about is work. soundtrack, sound track, sound-track n (music of a film)电影配乐;音乐磁带;音乐唱片The soundtrack featured a lot of 1960s music. soundtrack, sound track, sound-track n (audio track of a film) (电影)声带The soundtrack was terrible but luckily there were subtitles. track and field n (athletics events: running, etc.)田径运动Talia is good at most sports, but she really excels at track and field.塔莉娅擅长大多数运动,但她最擅长的是田径运动。 track and field, track-and-field n as adj (relating to athletics events)田径备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun.Discus is a track and field event.铁饼是一种田径运动。 track and field athletes, track-and-field athletes npl (participants in athletic events)田径运动员Track-and-field athletes include runners, sprinters, and pole vaulters. track lighting, track light n (light fixture: electrified track)轨道照明,轨道灯具 track meet n (athletics event)田径运动会;田径比赛;径赛My daughter won first place at the high school track meet in the 50 yard dash. track pants (US), tracksuit trousers, tracksuit bottoms (UK) npl (athlete's long tracksuit trousers)田径裤;运动长裤 track record n figurative, informal (previous performance) (比喻,非正式用语)以前的成绩记录,业绩,业务记录,工作成绩记录This employee has a great track record of finishing work on time.这名员工有良好的按时完工的业务记录。 tracking shot, track shot, dolly shot, trucking shot n (movie industry)推拉镜头 tracking system, track system n US (grouping students by ability) (学校)分流体制;分流系统 tracksuit, track suit n (athlete's trouser suit) (运动员训练时所穿)运动套装,运动服,运动衣裤The members of the gymnastics team wore matching tracksuits and hair ribbons.体操队成员都穿着配套的运动服,戴着配套的发带。 train track n (rails of a railway)铁道;铁轨




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