

词汇 issuing officer
释义 issuing officer
issuing officer发音



flying officer───皇家空军中尉;飞行官员

housing officer───实习医生;见习医生

nursing officer───护士长

arresting officer───负责逮捕(犯人)的警官;有逮捕权的官员

billeting officer───开票员

presiding officer───投票站主任;审裁官;(会议)主席

returning officer───n.地方(或议会)选举监察官,选举监察人


Before the reveal, the royal prankster ended with a flourish, issuing an order to his commanding officer, "All monkeys with video cameras should be arrested immediately."───之前,这位顽皮的皇室成员手舞足蹈地向他的指挥官发布命令,“要立即逮捕所有有摄像机的猴子。”

For example, the officer issuing the citation might not fill in the time, or might omit the vehicle make and model, opting to enter just the license-plate details.───举例来说,警官在开罚单时可以不填写时间,或者可以省略车型,而只填写牌照的详细信息。

Canada is also considering issuing an advisory warning. Public Health Officer David Butler-Jones says an advisory could be issued late Monday.───加拿大也正在考虑发出指导性警告。公共卫生官员戴维·巴特勒·琼斯说,指导意见最迟在下个星期一发放。

Fines and penalties are based on the severity of the violation as described by the issuing officer.───罚款和处罚的依据是作为签发人员所描述的侵犯行为的严重性。

When you go to a polling place, tell the issuing officer that you need to cast a special declaration vote.───当你去一个投票站,告诉的发行人员,你需要投特别声明投票。


When you go to a polling place, tell the issuing officer that you need to cast a special declaration vote.

  • issuing organization eit
  • issuing country
  • issuing officer
  • issuing bank
  • issuing airline




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