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词汇 internally displaced people
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displaced people───n.难民;因战争(或政治迫害)逃离家园的人

internal dialogue───内部对话

internal procedures───[计]内程序;[计]内过程


But it says millions of internally displaced people are still unable or unwilling to return home.───不过,报告认为,数百万在国内流离失所的人仍然无法或者不愿意返回家乡。

Azerbaijan: Internally displaced people in Dordyol walk nearby the trains they call home.───阿塞拜疆:德尔特约尔流离失所的人们在火车附近走过,他们将其称之为家。

UN agencies have prepared relief plans for 500 000 internally displaced people (IDPs).───联合国机构制定了救助50万国内流离失所者的救助计划。

Above, Somali boys hang out on a hill overlooking a refugee camp for the thousands of internally displaced people.───上图,索马里男孩在山上游玩,从山上可以眺望一座容纳了几千名内战中流离失所的民众的难民营。

Late last month fighting broke out in Kalma, a vast camp for internally displaced people near the town of Nyala in south Darfur.───上月末,在达尔富尔南部Nyala(尼亚拉)镇附近为国内无家可归者搭建的一个大型宿营地Kalma里,爆发争斗。

The government has said the group also posed a threat to internally displaced people who had fled to Mogadishu.───索马里政府表示,青年党还对逃荒到摩加迪沙的索马里人造成威胁。

Insecurity continues to hamper food distribution and evacuation of internally displaced people from the affected regions in Nairobi.───持续的不安定牵制了食物的发放,以及从奈洛比重创区而来的国内难民的疏离。

About 2 million refugees and internally displaced people were able to return home in 2008, a decline from the year before.───在2008年,有大约200万难民和国内流离失所者得以重返家园,比上一年有所减少。

And, this will force the agency to ground flights carrying aid workers to camps for refugees and internally displaced people.───这就会迫使该计划署停止运送援助工作者到难民营和那些在国内无家可归的人们设立的营地。

  • internally screaming meme
  • internally fixated fracture
  • internally displaced people
  • internally displaced person




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