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词汇 interest groups
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利益集团;兴趣小组(interest group的复数形式)


interest group───利益集团(指有共同利益的一群人)

interest rates───利息,[金融]利率

public-interest groups───公共利益集团

ginger groups───激进派;核心小组

income groups───按收入高低划分的社会群体或阶层

interest rate───[金融]利率


nitroso groups───亚硝基

parent groups───父组


These subjects are divided into special interest groups.───这些主题将被划分为特殊兴趣组。

Connections active interactions and discussion by special interest groups across organizational structure and departmental lines.───专供组织内部结构及跨部门的各个特别兴趣小组彼此交流和讨论之用.

Your involvement in interest groups may bring you popularity.───摩羯座:参加兴趣小组可能给自己带来声望.

Interest groups are free associations.───利益集团都是自由的社团.

Public interest groups, on the other side, also warn that a damaging division may lie ahead.───另一方面, 公共利益团体也警告,破坏性的分裂也摆在眼前.

He challenged too many interest groups too directly and lost the propaganda war.───他过于直接地损害了太多利益集团的利益,失去了宣传战的胜利.

The interest groups advertised heavily against them.───利益集团大肆渲染反对这两项提案。

Interest groups are a critical component of pluralism.───利益团体对于多元论来说是个关键性的构成要素.

This could be very difficult to operate as it would arouse complaints from commercial interest groups.───它实际操作起来很困难,因为这将招致商业利益集团的不满.

We hear much of special - interest groups.───我们听到许多关于特殊利益集团的问题.

Intranet special interest groups and chat rooms.───在图书馆内部网页上建立特别兴趣小组和聊天室.

Much of the most important environmental litigation is brought by public interest groups.───大部分重要的环境诉讼都是由公共利益集团提出的.

With the trends of world economy globalization continuing , conflicts arise and worsen among various interest groups.───在经济全球化、政治多级化的趋势下,不同主体在利益搏弈下矛盾加剧, 冲突随时都可能升级、恶化.

In the privatization process, the interest groups involved have different interest orientation and interest selection.───在国有企业民营化的过程中, 其所涉及的利益群体均有各自不同的利益取向及利益选择.

Join local interest groups.───加入当地的利益团体。

The arrogance and selfishness of different interest groups never ceases to amaze me.───不同利益集团的傲慢和自私总是会让我大吃一惊。

These interest groups can be divided into three kinds : politician, bureaucracy and private property claimer.───利益集团可以分为政治家 、 官僚及私人产权要求者三类.

Why might consumer interest groups Canberra be less effective than producer lobbies?───为什么堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)的消费人群比制片团体实际还少?


Interest groups have always been with us, but they used to operate within coalitions called the Democratic and Republican parties.

Instead, political interest groups reach out directly, using computerized mailing lists and modems in addition to the old-fashioned campaign techniques.

Because politicians tend to be driven by interest groups? public managers-unlike their private counterparts-must factor interest groups into every equation.

Gerry: It's really strange how the special interest groups of oppressed people came into existence.

Types of Interest Groups To this point, we have not distinguished among political interest groups.

The scheme's benefits were recognizable to all interest groups.

The arrogance and selfishness of different interest groups never ceases to amaze me.

Liberal democracy, private life, civil rights and interest groups are all simply ideological constructs designed to pacify and mislead.

Various interest groups have expressed their opposition to the policy.

  • interesting place
  • interest payments
  • interest payment
  • interest receivable
  • interesting thing
  • interested in
  • interesting reading
  • interest revenue
  • interests and hobbies
  • interesting things
  • interestingly synonym
  • interest charge




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