intellectual argument───智力论证
intellectual freedom───知识自由
intellectual exercise───智力锻炼
intellectual property───[专利]知识产权;著作权
intellectual energy───智力
intellectual life───思想生活;精神生活
intellectual challenge───智力挑战
still a tremendous amount of intellectual ferment and excitement in the capitals of Russia.───的知识分子还是相当活跃,特别是在俄国大城市中。
A polity not given to intellectual ferment over scholarly works has seen exactly that, with the toing and froing conducted via newspaper editorials, think-tank pamphlets and public seminars.───英国政体一贯对学术著作而引发知识革命漠不关心。而这次它恰好见到论战双方通过各大报纸社论,智囊团小册子和公开研讨会展开,互不相让。
A polity not given to intellectual ferment over scholarly works has seen exactly that, with the to-ing and fro-ing conducted via newspaper editorials, think-tank pamphlets and public seminars.───长期不关注于因学术作品引发思想变动的政体不仅仅看到通过报纸社论展开的唇枪舌剑,而且也目睹了智囊机构的宣传册子四处传播与一轮轮热火朝天的公共研讨会。
It was at Bei-Da that the May 4th Movement began, launching an era of unprecedented intellectual ferment.───正是在北大发起了“五四运动”,这一运动开创了一个空前思想活跃的时代。
The years of intellectual ferment that followed, from 1912 to 1927, marked perhaps the period of greatest freedom in 20th-century China.───之后,百家争鸣的1912到1927年,也许刻上了20世纪中国最自由的时代之烙印。
Education produced intellectual ferment and the temptations of radicalism.
It was an age of intellectual ferment too.
- intellectual capacity
- intellectually mean
- intellectually dishonest debate tactics
- intellectual equipment
- intellectually savvy
- intellectually definition