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词汇 strike
释义 strikeUK:*/ˈstraɪk/US:/straɪk/ ,(strīk)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 strike n (work stoppage)罢工The union called a strike for Friday.工会号召星期五罢工。 strike [sth/sb] vtr (hit)打;击;打击The boxer struck his opponent.拳击手向对手打过去。 strike [sth] vtr (hit: a target)打中;击中The arrow struck its target.飞箭击中了目标。 strike [sth/sb] vtr (attack, hit)攻击;袭击The hurricane struck us without warning.飓风毫无预兆地袭击了我们。 strike [sth/sb] vtr (crash into)碰撞;撞到The car struck the guardrail.这辆车撞上了护栏。 strike [sth] vtr (clock: sound)敲响; (时间)报The clock struck ten.钟敲10点了。 strike [sth/sb] vtr (lightning: hit) (指闪电)击中Lightning struck the old tree during the storm.暴风雨期间,闪电击中了那棵老树。 strike [sth] vtr (abolish, cancel)废除…,取消…Officials voted to strike the amendment.官员们投票废除这条修正案。 strike [sth] from [sth] vtr + prep (text: delete from [sth])划线表示删除;用线条划去Strike that sentence from your article.把那句话从你的文章中删掉。 其他翻译 strike n (sound from hitting)击打声;敲击声Can you hear the strike of the clock?你能听到时钟的敲击声吗? strike n (attack)攻击;袭击The military strike killed three people.军事袭击造成了三人死亡。 strike n (baseball: miss) (棒球)击球;击打Three strikes and you're out. strike n (bowling: knocking over all pins) (保龄球术语)全中,全倒I had three strikes in the game.我一局比赛中,打出了三次全倒。 strike n (instance of [sth] striking)打击The strike of the racket against the ball sent it flying.球拍一击,球飞了出去。 strike n (unfavorable mark)犯罪The judge reminded the defendant that this was his second strike.法官提醒被告这已经是他第二次犯罪了。 strike n (discovery of gold, oil, etc.) (黄金,石油等)发现News of a strike brought many prospectors to the area. strike [sb] as [sth] v expr (give the impression)给…留下…的印象Greg's story strikes me as an exaggeration.格雷格的故事给我留下了夸张的印象。 strike vi (attack)攻击;袭击The army struck in the middle of the night.The bank robbers have struck again.军队半夜展开袭击。// 银行劫匪再次展开攻击。 strike vi (stop work in protest)罢工;停止工作The workers all decided to strike after their boss refused to negotiate salaries.老板拒绝协商工资一事后,工人们全都决定罢工。 strike [sth/sb] vtr (bite) (用毒牙)咬,咬伤The snake struck his leg without warning.那条蛇毫无预兆地咬伤了他的腿。 strike [sth] vtr (match: light) (火柴)划;擦To light the candles, first you need to strike a match. strike [sth] vtr (accord: reach)取得;达成The two parties finally struck an agreement. strike [sth/sb] vtr (fall on)照在…上;落在…上When light strikes an object, the wavelengths it reflects determine what colour that object will appear. strike [sth] vtr (fall upon)掉落在;落在The egg broke when it struck the floor. strike [sth] vtr (locate by mining)开采出;发掘出The town grew after somebody struck gold there. strike [sb] vtr (surprise)让...意外;让...猝不及防He was struck by the news of his cousin's death. strike [sth] vtr (text: put a line through)在…上画线删除Strike all of the lines in the second paragraph.在第二自然段上画线删除其所有行。 strike [sth] vtr (theater, film: dismantle set) (戏剧界,电影业)拆除布景 strike [sb] as [sth] vtr + conj (give the impression)给人以…的印象;让…觉得His attitude really struck me as strange. strike [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (thrust)猛插;猛地刺入The camper struck his pole into the ground. strike [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (instil)灌输;灌入It struck terror into their hearts. 动词短语 strike back vi phrasal (retaliate)反击;回击If you wrong her, she may strike back. strike [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (law, ruling: invalidate)取消(规定等)The Supreme Court struck down state segregation laws. strike [sth/sb] off vtr phrasal sep (delete, remove: from a list) (从名单上)删去, 删掉, 划掉I don't like them any more, strike them off the party list. strike on [sth], strike upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (suddenly have an idea)突然想到 strike [sth] out, strike out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (put a line through)划掉The teacher struck out the misspelled word.老师将拼错的单词划出来。 strike out at [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (hit, attack)攻击;袭击A coiled snake will strike out at anything that threatens it.盘绕着的蛇会攻击任何威胁它的东西。 strike out at [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (criticize)抨击;(语言)攻击When he was a candidate for mayor, Bob would strike out at all his opponents.鲍勃作为市长候选人,抨击了他所有的对手。 strike [sb] out, strike out [sb] vtr phrasal sep (baseball: put out with three strikes) (棒球)使某人三振出局The pitcher struck out the first two batters, but the third hit a home run.投手将前两名击球手三振出局,不过第三名击球手打出了全垒打。 strike [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (law: delete a claim)因程序错误而导致(诉讼)无效 strike out vi phrasal (baseball batter: be struck out)三振出局The first batter struck out, but the second hit a home run.第一个击球手被三振出局,但第二个击球手打出了全垒打。 strike out vi phrasal (baseball: be struck out) (棒球)三振出局 strike out vi phrasal (start a journey)出发I struck out early in the morning with my camera to capture the sunrise.我一大早就出发,带着相机去拍摄日出。 strike out vi phrasal informal (fail)失败Ben really wanted that job, but it looks like he's struck out; he sent the applications ages ago and hasn't heard back yet.本真的很想要那份工作,不过他似乎失败了,因为他老早就寄出了申请,但是至今还未收到回复。 strike through [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cross out)删掉;划掉He struck through the irrelevant sentences. strike up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (initiate)开始(建立友情等)During our visit to Africa I struck up a friendship with our guide.在我们去非洲访问的期间,我和导游建立了友谊。 strike up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (begin to play: music) (演奏音乐等)开始The orchestra struck up a cheerful waltz.管弦乐队开始演奏一支欢快的圆舞曲。 复合形式: air strike n (military: aerial attack)空中打击;空袭The military conducted an air strike on the enemy base. air strike n (airline work stoppage)空乘人员罢工 general strike n (mass work stoppage)总罢工A true general strike could easily topple a government.The general strike was very impressive: practically no-one in the whole city went to work that day. go on strike v expr (stop work)罢工The workers went on strike to protest against a decrease in their wages. hit a nerve, touch a nerve, strike a nerve, hit a raw nerve, touch a raw nerve, strike a raw nerve v expr figurative (raise a sensitive issue)戳到痛处 hunger strike n (refusal to eat as a protest)绝食抗议The suffragettes used hunger strikes as a political tool. hunger-strike vi (refuse to eat as a protest)绝食抗议 labor strike (US), labour strike (UK) n (work stoppage)工人罢工;劳工罢工Production at the car factory was brought to a standstill by the labor strike. lightning strike n (instance of lightning hitting [sth])雷击;雷劈 lightning strike n UK (sudden work stoppage as protest)突然罢工 lucky strike n (when miners find gold) (指挖到矿物或石油)幸运的发现The miners had a lucky strike when they found gold. lucky strike n (having good fortune)交好运;走运Steve had a lucky strike when he won the lottery. on strike adv (refusing to work in protest)罢工The workers are on strike until management agrees to give them a raise. sit-down strike n (protest: employees refuse to leave)静坐罢工 strike a balance v expr (compromise)达到平衡;取得平衡Which is more important, productivity or quality? It's a question of striking a balance. strike a balance between v expr (find compromise between)在…之间达成平衡;在两者之间找到折中You need to strike a happy balance between video games and homework. strike a bargain v expr (make a deal, agree to terms)达成交易 strike a blow against [sth/sb] v expr (deal [sb/sth] a serious setback)打出一拳 strike a blow for [sth/sb] v expr (do [sth] to support [sth/sb])支持 strike [sth/sb] a ... blow v expr (hit)击打;冲击备注: Often used with: glancing, mighty, heavyThe baseball struck his head a glancing blow. strike a chord (with [sb]) v expr figurative (resonate with [sb]'s feelings)引起共鸣;引起同感His speech struck a chord with unemployed voters. strike a pose v expr (pose)摆姿势,装出...样子 strike [sb] dead vtr + adj (kill instantly)杀死某人 strike [sb] down vtr + adv literary, figurative (afflict, kill) (疾病等)击垮,摧毁He was struck down tragically in the prime of life. strike [sb] down vtr + adv (person: knock to ground)击倒;撞倒A soldier struck Aelfric down with his sword. strike it lucky, strike lucky v expr informal, UK (have good fortune)走运;行大运 strike it rich v expr informal (suddenly become wealthy)暴富,发横财 strike price n (finance: fixed price) (金融)执行价格;行权价格 strike up a conversation v expr (start talking to [sb])开始交谈;开始攀谈 strike while the iron is hot expr figurative (take an opportunity)趁热打铁 strikebreaker, strike breaker, strike-breaker n ([sb] who works during a strike)破坏罢工者The strikebreakers were harassed by protesters during the strike. strikebreaking, strike-breaking n (working during a strike)破坏罢工The union forbids strikebreaking during official strikes. wildcat strike n (unofficial work stoppage)工人自发的突然罢工This year's post has been seriously affected by wildcat strikes.




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