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词汇 stall
释义 stallUK:*/ˈstɔːl/US:/stɔl/ ,(stôl)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 stall n (sales, fair: stand, booth)摊位;售货亭There is a stall at the market selling French cheese.商场有一个卖法式奶酪的摊位。 stall n (horse, cow: stable) (动物)棚,厩,畜栏The groom led the horse into its stall.马夫让马儿进到马厩里。 stall n (bathroom cubicle) (浴室的)隔间Before making her private phone call, Rachel went into the ladies' restroom and checked to see there was no one in any of the stalls.在打一通私人电话前,蕾切尔来到女用卫生间,并确保所有隔间内都没有人。 the stalls npl UK (theater: lowest seats) (剧场)正厅前座区I've got us seats in the stalls for the play on Saturday.那出周六演出,我给我俩买到了正厅前座区的位置。 stall vi (car, engine: stop)抛锚;熄火;失速The learner driver let the clutch out too quickly and the car stalled.驾驶学员离合器松得太快,车子熄火了。 stall [sth] vtr (car, engine: cause to stop)使抛锚;使熄火;使失速The learner driver in front of us stalled his car twice as he tried to pull away from the junction.我们前面的驾驶学员在交叉路口熄火了两次。 stall [sth/sb] vtr (block, impede)暂时阻止;拖住;拖延住;阻碍,妨碍,阻挠The minister was accused of trying to stall the peace talks.部长被指控试图妨碍和平谈判。 stall vi (be evasive, delay [sth])拖延James says he can't send the report now because his internet's down, but I think he's stalling because he hasn't finished it yet.詹姆士说由于网络原因他现在无法发送那份报告,不过在我看来,他之所以拖延,是因为自己还没有完成报告。 其他翻译 stall n (aircraft: loss of lift) (飞机)失速;失去升力The plane suffered a stall and started descending rapidly. stall vi (aircraft: lose lift) (飞机)失速;失去升力If the airspeed falls too low, the aircraft will stall. stall vi figurative (progress: stop, be slowed)停顿;搁置Progress has stalled on the construction project since the cut to the budget was announced. stall [sth] vtr (cause aircraft to lose lift) (飞机)使失速;使失去升力The pilot stalled his plane and had to make an emergency landing.飞行员让飞机失去了上升力后,不得不采取紧急迫降。 复合形式: market stall n (vendor's stand)摊位;排档Julie has a market stall where she sells fruit and vegetables. shower stall (shower compartment)淋浴间 stallholder, stall-holder n (market trader)摊贩 stallholder, stall-holder n (person staffing a stand)照看摊位的雇工




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