

词汇 in plain clothes
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in plain clothes发音



plain clothes───便衣,便服;便衣警察



play clothes───n.游乐装;轻便装

civilian clothes───n.便服

clean clothes───干净衣服

cycling clothes───自行车运动服

swaddling clothes───襁褓;初期;襁褓期;限制或约束(等于swaddlingbands或swaddlingclouts)

casual clothes───休闲服;便服;非正式的服装


There were policemen in plain clothes in the crowd.───人群中有穿着便衣的警察。

She's in plain clothes.───她的穿着很朴素。

Three officers in plain clothes told me to get out of the car.───三名便衣军官叫我从车上下来。

In the new development of the jungle, a winding path, one woman in plain clothes traveled alone and went straight into the woods to a tree.───在新开发的丛林里,一条蜿蜒的小径上,一个衣着素色的女人踽踽独行,径直走向林子里的一棵树。

A policeman in plain clothes shadowed the criminal all day.───有个便衣警察整天秘密监视那个罪犯。

The next day, two men in plain clothes arrived to pick up Helmut.───第二天,两个身着便衣的人来吧海姆特抓走了。

He dress in plain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?───他衣着普通,开一辆旧车,谁会想到他是小镇上最富有的人啊?

The policeman in plain clothes rushed out of the bus station in hot pursuit, but the thief hadvanished into thin air.───便衣警察冲出车站,穷追不舍,但小偷居然消失得无影无踪。

At the wedding, the man wearing a suit or, or clothes, dressed in plain clothes without a tie.───在参加婚礼时,男子或穿着西装,或穿便装,穿便装时不打领带。


Mr Montesinos was escorted by agents in plain clothes into a helicopter shortly after arriving at Lima airport.

She's in plain clothes.

They were in plain clothes and, in his opinion, drunk, arrogant and overpowering.

The detectives were in plain clothes.

Large men in plain clothes and short haircuts had wanted to know his business.

Three officers in plain clothes told me to get out of the car.

A policeman in plain clothes shadowed the criminal all day.

In uniform and in plain clothes, roughly 50 were on different shifts asking each shopper for more information.

There were police in plain clothes in the crowd.

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