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词汇 in places
释义 in places
in places发音




in place───适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置

gin palaces───豪华的大酒店

tin plates───马口铁;镀锡铁皮

go places───获得成功


high places───上层;重要地位;高处

in place of───代替

main planes───主飞机

tens places───十位


The snow was knee-deep in places.───有些地方的雪已齐膝深了。

His face was scarred and oddly puffy in places.───他脸上有疤痕,还有几处奇怪的肿包。

The soundtrack is fuzzy in places.───这电影声带有些地方模糊不清。

Some of them live in places quite a long way from here.───他们中有些人住的地方离这里很远。

The snow along the roadside was six feet deep in places.───路边某些地方的积雪有六英尺深。

The equipment was scratched, dented in places.───这些设备已经有刮痕有点地方还磕碰的缺口.

Some of them live in places quite a long way from here.───当中一些人住在离这儿相当远的地方。

Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance.───甚至在最不适宜浪漫的场合,她的形象也陪伴着我.

I avoid working in places which are too public.───我避免在过于抛头露面的地方工作。

Plaster had fallen away in places, exposing the brickwork.───有些地方的灰泥脱落了,露出了砖。

Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm, dry summers.───小麦适宜在冬季寒冷而夏季温暖干燥的地方生长。

The choir was ( singing ) distinctly out of tune in places.───合唱团有些地方明显 ( 唱 ) 走调了.

Tremolite laths and serpentine minerals are present in places.───有的地方出现透闪石板条及蛇纹石.

The grass had been pushed down in places where people had been lying.───人们躺过的那些地方,草都被压倒了.

The automated people mover carries 20 to 100 passengers and is used in places such as airports.───自动短途客运系统载客20到100名,用于机场等地。

Large dunes make access to the beach difficult in places.───在有些地方大沙丘使得靠近海滩很难。

They set up purifying systems in places where the water was not potable.───他们在许多水质不适合饮用的地方建立了净化系统。


The soundtrack is fuzzy in places.

The ground is bumpy in places.

The plating is beginning to wear off in places.

The floor has rotted away in places;be careful please.

In places the path can be wet and slippery.

The wall was quite damp in places .

The copper pipework has corroded in places.

I avoid working in places which are too public.

The article is rather technical in places.

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