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词汇 injured person
释义 injured person
injured person发音

[法] 受害人



injured party───遭受损失的一方

injured parties───受害方

in person───亲自;外貌上

injured troops───受伤的部队

natural person───[法]自然人(区别于法人)

third person───第三人称;第三人称时使用之代名词与动词

different person───不同的人

displaced person───n.难民;因战争(或政治迫害)逃离家园的人

natural persons───[法]自然人(区别于法人)


Five: stay with the injured person till the doctor or emergency services arrive.───第五,陪在受伤的人身边,直到医生或紧急救援人员到来.

In order to free an injured person, release the safety belt, or simply cut through it.───为了救出受伤的人, 要把安全带解开, 或者干脆割断.

They hurried the injured person to the hospital.───他们急速把伤者送往医院.

Supporting the injured person under the arm , we helped him into the ambulance.───我们把伤员架上了救护车.

Move an injured person without rendering first aid unless the casualty is in immediate danger.───在未实施急救前,轻易移动伤者(除非判断伤患生命垂危,必须马上抢救).

Did the injured person walk to the ambulance or was he or she carried?───该伤者是自行上救护车抑或由救护人员抬上救护车?

an injured person here.───受伤了。

He is a medic, he can help the injured person.───他是救护车上的医生, 他可以帮助那个受伤的病人.

When you have made a mistake, you can behave as if you were the injured person.───当你犯了错误, 你可以表现得好象你就是受害者.

were not many doctors in the gold fields. A seriously injured person could only expect to die.───一个遭受意外的人可能发生的情况,在金矿地区没有医生,受伤严重的人只能等死。

Was accident due to want of care upon part of injured person?───意外事件之发生是否由受伤者之疏忽所致?

Signature of Injured Person ( if not the Insured )───伤者签署 ( 如非投保人 )

God can turn a misdeed to the good of the injured person and bring trouble on the offender.───上帝可以把罪行变成对受伤者有益的事,并给犯罪者带来麻烦。

How do you help an injured person without making things worse?───怎样才能为受伤的人提供帮助,而不是帮倒忙?


The rite formerly in practice in which a priest anointed and prayed for a sick or an injured person, especially one in danger of death. In 1972 the name and rite were changed to Anointing of the Sick.

With the help of a passer - by , I carried the injured person into a shop.

Penal redress requires full compensation of the injured person as an instrument for punishing the offender.

We will pay the injured person or his or her appointed legal representative.

The first point to be noted is that the Court may make the award on the application of the injured person.

The injured person jumped from a second-story window and was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

He is a medic, he can help the injured person.

The recovery of a judgment by the injured person against one joint tortfeasor does not discharge the other joint tortfeasors.

The rite formerly in practice in which a priest anointed and prayed for a sick or an injured person, especially one in danger of death. In 972 the name and rite were changed to Anointing of the Sick.

  • injured sniff
  • injured party




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