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词汇 soft
释义 softUK:*/ˈsɒft/US:/sɔft, sɑft/ ,(sôft, soft)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 soft adj (material: not rigid)软的;柔软的People love our sofa because it is so soft.我们的沙发软极了,大家都很喜欢。 soft adj (surface: not rough) (表面)软滑的,细软的This fabric is so soft and smooth.这块布料又软又滑。 soft adj figurative (person: weak) (人)软弱的, 易受人影响的, 不坚定的Don't be so soft. Tell them what you have to tell them and don't be afraid.不要这么软弱,该告诉他们什么就告诉他们什么。不要害怕。 soft adj (lighting: subdued) (指光线)柔和的,不刺眼的The room's soft lighting made for a more romantic setting.房间里柔和的光线更增添了浪漫的氛围。 soft adj (sound: gentle) (指声音)轻柔的,低声的,轻声的The restaurant had soft music playing in the background.那家餐厅放着轻柔的音乐作为背景乐。 soft adj figurative (drug: not addictive) (指毒品)非烈性的,不是特别有危害的,不容易成瘾的Marijuana is considered a soft drug.大麻被认为是一种不容易成瘾的毒品。 soft adj figurative (response: lenient) (指回应等)仁慈的,宽容的,轻的The sentence passed on him by the judge was too soft, in my opinion.依我看,法官给他判的刑太轻了。 soft on [sb], soft with [sb] adj + prep (not strict)对…温和;对…温柔The kids like her because she is soft with them.因为她对孩子们很温柔,所以孩子们也都喜欢她。 soft on [sb] adj + prep informal, dated (fond of, attracted to) (指人)对...有感觉的;对...有好感的I think my brother's a little soft on you.我觉得我哥哥对你有些好感。 其他翻译 soft adj (edge: not distinct)轮廓不鲜明的;线条柔和的I love the soft edges in this painting.我喜欢这幅画不鲜明的轮廓。 soft adj (movement, gesture: gentle) (动作、姿势等)温和的,轻轻的,轻柔的She gave the baby a soft kiss on the cheek.她轻柔地吻了一下宝宝的脸颊。 soft adj figurative (politics: open to compromise) (政治术语)态度偏软的,可能妥协的The congressman was soft on the issue and willing to compromise. soft adj figurative (person: lazy, coddled) (指人)懒惰的,娇生惯养的While my first son is successful, my second son is too soft and doesn't do anything. soft adj figurative (eyes: moist) (指眼睛)微湿的,湿润的The lady gazed upon the poor children with soft eyes. soft adj figurative (job, task: easy) (指工作、任务等)轻松的,容易的We gave the new employee a soft task for his first assignment. soft adj figurative (weather: mild) (指天气)温和的,暖和的,温暖的The soft climate in California attracts many people.加利福尼亚温和的气候吸引了许多人。 soft adj figurative (slope: gentle) (指斜面、斜坡)和缓的,斜度不大的There is a soft incline for the next two miles. soft adj (water: free of minerals) (指水)软性的,不含无机盐的The town was blessed with naturally soft water.这座城市幸运地拥有天然的软性水。 soft adj figurative (chemical: not harsh) (指化学制品)温和的This detergent is soft on the clothes. soft adj figurative (news: not serious) (新闻)非严肃性的The magazine had some hard news, but most of it was soft news like fashion. soft adj figurative (based on interpretation not facts)没有说服力的;证据不足的;缺乏铁证支持的They only had soft facts, not hard ones to base their case on. soft adj figurative (currency: not convertible) (指货币)不可自由兑换的Soft currencies are not used in international trade. soft adj figurative (loan: not secured) (借款)没有担保的,无担保的This bank specializes in high-risk, soft loans. soft adj figurative (stock market: not performing) (指证券市场)疲软的The market has been soft for the last two weeks. soft adj (phonetics: c, g) (语音学术语)发软音的The soft 'c' in English is pronounced like an 's'.英语中,发软音的“c”就如同“s”的发音。 soft adj (vowel: makes preceding consonant soft) (语音学术语)发浊音的,软元音Some vowels are soft vowels, others are hard vowels.有些元音是软元音,而另一些则是硬元音。 soft adj (consonant: p, t, f, etc.) (语音学)(辅音)不送气的All of the lines in the poem end with soft consonant sounds.那首诗的所有诗句都以不送气的辅音结尾。 soft adj (food: easily digested) (食物)容易消化的,软质的My grandfather has lost all his teeth, so now he can only eat soft foods.因为我爷爷的牙齿已经掉光了,所以他现在只能进食容易消化的食物。 soft adv US, informal (softly)轻声地,低声地;温柔地,轻柔地Talk soft please. I'm not deaf! 复合形式: chancroid, soft sore, soft chancre, ulcus molle n (venereal ulcer)软下疳,软性下疳 go soft on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (be lenient, gentle)心慈手软, 态度不强硬Don't go soft on me, you need to say what you really think. go soft vi + adj slang (not sustain an erection) (阴茎)变软, 不能坚挺Men generally go soft pretty soon after they have an orgasm.男人通常在高潮后,阴茎会很快变软。 soft as a feather adj (very soft to the touch)羽毛般柔软的;超轻柔的 soft coal n (fuel: bituminous coal)烟煤 soft copy n (digital document)软拷贝;电子副本;电子文件 soft credit check, soft credit search, soft credit pull, soft credit inquiry n (check: does not affect credit score)无需授权的信用查询;非硬性信用调查 soft drink n (non-alcoholic beverage)不含酒精的饮料;软饮料We've got a choice of soft drinks for the kids, and punch for the grown-ups.我们为孩子们准备了不含酒精的饮料,为大人们准备了潘趣酒。 soft drinks manufacturer n (company: makes non-alcoholic beverages)软饮料生产厂商;饮料厂Schweppes is a major soft drinks manufacturer and they have factories in many different countries. soft drug n informal, figurative (substance: not addictive)软毒品,软性毒品 soft focus n (photography: diffused effect) (摄影效果)柔焦 soft fruit n (berries)无核小水果;软水果 soft furnishings npl (home fabrics)软家装;室内装饰品;软家具(窗帘、地毯等) soft goods npl (textiles and home fabrics)纺织品 soft landing n (space vehicle) (航天器)软着陆The Viking spacecraft executed a soft landing on Mars. soft landing n figurative (economic growth) (经济)软着陆Most economists foresee a soft landing for the economy. soft money n figurative (politics: indirect contribution) (政治捐款)软钱备注: 政治捐款的一种,只能用于政党建设,不能直接用于竞选活动,因此不受联邦竞选委员会监管。Because this is soft money, we can't use it directly for the candidate. soft palate n (biology: velum)软腭 soft pastel n (art medium: chalk or dry pastel)软性粉彩 soft pastel n (very pale colour)柔和蜡粉色 soft porn n informal, figurative (pornography that is not too explicit)软色情作品;较隐晦的色情影片The actress hid the fact that she had once been in a soft porn movie. soft sell n (gentle persuasion to buy [sth])软推销;劝说式推销;不施加压力的推销The salesman tried the soft sell approach on me, but it didn't work: I just wasn't interested. soft serve ice cream n (frozen dessert with soft consistency)软冰淇淋For dessert we had soft serve ice cream in a cone. soft skills npl (emotional intelligence) (包括与人交际和团队合作等能力)软技能He is not the best salesman we have, but his soft skills are proving very useful. soft soap, soft-soap n figurative, informal (flattery, persuasion) (俚语)讲好话, 讲漂亮话;奉承话It will take more than a bit of soft soap to convince Jane that Bill isn't trying to trick her. soft soap [sb], soft-soap [sb] vtr figurative, informal (persuade, flatter)劝诱...;奉承..., 恭维...Truman felt that Churchill had tried to soft-soap him at Potsdam. soft spot n informal (particular fondness or affection) (非正式用语)(心中的)柔软之处I have a real soft spot for my cousin: I'd do anything to help her.I don't particularly like most dogs, but I do have a soft spot for poodles. soft target n ([sth] easy to hit)易受攻击的人或物;软目标A soft target is one that's easy to hit. soft touch n informal, figurative ([sb] who is easy to persuade)容易上当的人;耳根子软的人Ask Dad to give you the money. He's a soft touch - he's bound to say yes. soft toy n (stuffed plaything, plush)软玩具备注: 用布和软质填塞物做成的 soft voice n (gentle or quiet speech)柔和的声音;轻声的话语;温柔的声音My brother has a very soft voice; sometimes I can't hear what he's saying. soft water n (water with low calcium content) (钙、镁化合物含量低的水)软水 soft-boiled egg n (boiled egg with runny yolk)溏心蛋;半熟的蛋 soft-core adj (erotic, slightly pornographic)软性色情的, 隐晦的 soft-pedal [sth] vtr figurative, informal (downplay, try to minimize)对…轻描淡写,对…低调处理 soft-pedal vi (music: use soft pedal) (音乐)使用弱音踏板 soft-pedal [sth] vtr (music: soften with soft pedal) (音乐)用弱音踏板降低…的音调 soft-play adj (safe play area)软质材料游戏的;软游乐的 soft-shell n as adj (zoology: having a flexible shell) (动物学)软壳的 soft-shell crab n (crustacean with edible shell)软壳螃蟹Fried soft-shell crab on French bread is my favorite sandwich. soft-shelled adj (zoology: having a flexible shell) (动物学)软壳的 soft-spoken, soft spoken, softly spoken adj (having a quiet or gentle voice)轻声细语的;说话温和的;说话温柔的I was surprised when my usually soft-spoken sister began to yell at me.平时柔声细语的妹妹开始朝我吼,这让我感到很意外。 softbound (US), soft-bound (UK) adj (book: paperback) (指书)软皮的,平装的 softhearted, soft-hearted adj figurative (tender, sensitive) (比喻)心肠软的,心肠好的 softhearted, soft-hearted adj figurative (sympathetic, generous)富有同情心的;乐于助人的 velum n (biology: tissue of roof of mouth) (植物)菌幕;菌膜




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