

词汇 in good shape
释义 in good shape
in good shape发音




in bad shape───身体状况很糟

in good season───adv.及时地;及早地

in good hands───得力助手

in good part───赞成

in good time───及时地;迅速地

in good feather───身强力壮

in a good seam───接缝良好

in good faith───真诚地;善意地;诚心诚意地

in good form───竞技状态好;竞技状态良好


In conclusion, and as the headline says, Google is in good shape.───总之, 和的标题说, 谷歌是在良好的状态.

China's economy is in good shape on the whole.───当前中国经济形势总体上是好的.

The ancient silk painting is still in good shape.───这幅古代绢画依然完好无损.

The graduates in good shape are the ones who hungrier to learn.───状态良好的毕业生是那些更加渴求知识的人.

If the sentence did not piss you off, then you are in good shape.───如果这句话没有使你生气,那么你就是保持了良好的状态。

Make sure all ski equipment is in good shape and up - to - date.───保证所有的滑雪用具全部形状良好,而且是最新最时尚的.

The girl in good shape.───那个女孩子的情况[状态]良好.

After getting that rise my finances are finally are finally in good shape.───在提高了工资后,我的经济情况终于使我感到满意.

My license is in good shape.───我的驾照不会有问题.

He's trained well and is in good shape after the leg problem.───他训练的很好,并且在腿伤之后状态良好.

The 57 - year - old champion jockey said he was in good shape.───这位57 岁 的职业骑马冠军说他的状态很好.

Keeping your vehicle in good shape can help with its fuel efficiency.───保持汽车的外壳平整也能够增加燃料的利用效率.

This adidas singlet is used but still in good shape.───这是阿迪达斯单使用,但仍处于良好状态.

He's in good shape for a man of his age.───作为那把年纪的人来说,他身体不错。

It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.───是篮球让我保持了好心情和好体型.

Stevens, noting that the wallpaper and plaster molding are in good shape.───他说,房子内部实际上非常好, 壁纸和石膏造型的状况都不错.

The old actor is still in good shape.───那老演员身体还很健康.

It keeps me in good shape.───它能让我保持良好的体形。


Karen taught physical education, so she was in good shape.

We found he was in good shape, but had no food in his intestines.

He was in good nick, in good shape.

Boris had always kept his body in good shape.

The Chancellor announced that the economy is in good shape.

The old actor is still in good shape.

He's in good shape for a man of his age.

He could still be in good shape.

He said Texpool is in good shape now.

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