

词汇 in due course
释义 in due course
in due course发音

到一定的时候, 没过多久




middle course───中间道路

in the course of───在…过程中;在…期间

holder in due course───[金融]正当持票人;[法]法定持有人

lecture course───讲座课程

middle courses───中间道路

run its course───v.按常规发展

find the courage───找到勇气

induction course───入门课程


We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc.───我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。

the baby was born.───婴儿如期降生了。

These problems will be settled in a suitable manner in due course.───这些问题将在适当时机以适当方式解决.

Conference Secretariat will send tickets to above address in due course.───研讨会秘书处将于稍后把门票邮寄到以上地址.

In due course she bore the son begotten on her by Thyestes.───过了一定的时候,她生下了堤厄斯式斯使她怀上的儿子.

For this mistake he received in due course the expression of their lordship's displeasure.───由于这一错误,当时他的上司们对他都不高兴.

A detailed report will be brought in due course.───一份详尽的报告会在适当的时机被提出.

If we sow the seed now, in due course we will have the flowers.───如果我们现在播下种子, 到时候会开花的.

In due course the baby was born.───婴儿足月降生了。

I'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course.───我现在要去教区牧师家拜访,然后适时向你汇报情况。

In due course there followed the pacific.───他依次经历了太平洋战役.

I wrote to my sister and her reply came in due course.───我给我姐姐写一封信,她后来回了信.

Further details of the competition will be announced in due course.───到时候会公布更多关于竞赛的内容。

He appeared in due course.───他在适当的时候出现了.

I shall answer your letter in due course.───在适当的时候,我会给你回信的.

You will understand in due course.───到时候你自然明白.

Your request will be dealt with in due course.───你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。

The seller has ensured us of shipment in due course.───卖方已经向我们保证适时装运.

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