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词汇 service
释义 serviceUK:*/ˈsɜːvɪs/US:/ˈsɝvɪs/ ,(sûr′vis)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 service n (help, assistance)服务;帮助The service at the store is excellent. They really know what they are doing.这家店的服务很好。他们真的很懂行。 service n (provision for public need)公共服务The bus service in the city is excellent.这个城市的公交服务好极了。
 service n (maintenance)维修服务;售后服务This dealer offers full parts and service.这位经销商提供全套零部件和维修服务。
 service n (mechanical check-up)维修检查;检修We bring the car for service every ten thousand miles.车子每跑1000英里,我们就将其送去维修检查一次。 其他翻译 service n (act of serving, helping)帮助;协助Her service as a greeter that day really helped us out.她那天担任迎宾员,为我们提供了很大的帮助。 service n (being a servant)作仆人;帮佣Her service at the house has lasted four years.她在这个家里已经做了四年之久的仆人了。 service n (employment)任职;工作He retired after twenty years of service to the company.他在公司工作了20年后退休了。 service n (useful function)服务The new daycare facility will provide a much-needed service to working parents. service n (distribution of food)上菜The service at this restaurant was quick and efficient.这家餐馆的上菜既迅速又有效率。 service n (service charge)服务费;小费;小账The Americans were not happy about finding service included in the bill at the restaurant.美国人很不喜欢餐馆将服务费含在账单内。 service n countable (set of dishes)成套的餐具We bought a service for six. The plates are beautiful.我们买了一套六人用的餐具。那些盘子太好看了。 service n (utility provision)公共事业服务;水电煤The phone company cut off his service because he hadn't paid his bill. service n (government department)政府部门This organization is part of the government medical information service.该组织是政府医学信息服务部门的一个组成部分。 service n (armed forces)军方;军队He joined the service five years ago and enjoys being in the army.他五年前参军,很享受军队生活。 service n (delivery of a legal document) (传票等)送达The service of the protection order was done by a deputy sheriff.保护令已经由副警长送达。 service n countable (worship) (宗教)礼拜The service lasted for 50 minutes on Sunday morning.周日早晨,礼拜持续了50分钟。 service n (tennis: act of serving the ball) (网球)发球The pro's service was hard to return.职业选手的发球很难对付。 the services npl (armed forces, collectively)军队,部队That couple's son and daughter are both in the services. services npl (work done for pay)服务The company sent him an invoice for services rendered. services npl (economics: intangible commodities) (经济学)无形商品Services account for three quarters of the country's economy. service [sth] vtr (maintain: vehicle, etc.)维修;检修One should service a car periodically, including oil changes. service [sb] with [sth] vtr (supply)为...供应;为...提供The company serviced them with office supplies. service [sth] vtr (animals: copulate with) (动物、牲畜等)为…配种The bull services all the cows on the farm. 复合形式: advisory service n (counseling clinic)咨询服务 after-sales service n (customer care: repair, etc.)售后服务 answering service n (receptionist: takes phone calls)接听电话服务She couldn't tell me when the doctor would arrive since she was just the answering service. answering service n US (outside service: takes calls)代客接听电话服务(站)The doctor's answering service is on duty whenever his office is closed. at your service adv (ready to help you)听候吩咐;乐意为您效劳I am at your service. catering service n (food provision at events, etc.)餐饮服务;饮食服务 church service n (gathering for formal worship)教堂仪式;礼拜仪式 civil service n (government workers)政府行政部门; (总称)公务员Denise had spent her entire career working for the civil service. community service n (work done as punishment)(作为惩罚的)社区服务工作He was sentenced to 100 hours of community service.他被判处100小时的社区服务工作。 compulsory military service n (required time in the military)义务兵役Compulsory military service was known as "National Service" in the UK. concierge service n (hotel errand-running service)酒店专人服务The hotel concierge service was able to get a couple of tickets for me. counseling service (US), counselling service (UK) n (service offering talk therapy)心理咨询服务 counseling service (US), counselling service (UK) n (service offering guidance)咨询服务 courier service n (delivery service)快递服务;特快专递服务 CPS n UK, initialism (Crown Prosecution Service)皇家检察署The CPS examined the evidence the police had gathered and decided to proceed with the prosecution. customer service n (care of customers)顾客服务;客户服务I'm constantly having to complain about customer service in this shop.我不得不持续不断地抱怨这家店的客户服务。 Customer Service Department n (team handling clients' enquiries)客户服务部;客服 customer service representative n ([sb] who handles clients' enquiries)客户服务代表;客服代表 debt service (economics)债务偿还;债务清偿 delivery service n (transportation of goods)送货服务The store still provides free home delivery service. dinner service n (set of crockery and cutlery)成套的餐具The wedding gifts included a dinner service for twelve. diplomatic service n (diplomatic corps)外交部门Donald had a successful career in the diplomatic service. emergency medical service n often plural (paramedics)紧急医疗服务 EMS n initialism (emergency medical service)急救医疗服务 food service (provision of meals)餐饮服务;饮食服务 funeral service n (ceremony at a burial or cremation)葬礼;丧礼 health service n (system of medical care)公共卫生服务;医疗保健服务;卫生综合服务体系Some Americans are against the idea of having a health service like the British NHS. in service, in-service adj (soldier: engaged in combat)现役的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective comes before the noun it modifies.In-service soldiers who possess baccalaureate degrees may apply for Officer Candidate School. in service, in-service adj (in or available for use)在使用中的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective comes before the noun it modifies.Indonesia's Lion Air has a fleet of 94 in-service aircraft. in service adj dated (working as a servant)服务的;服侍的Martha was in service as a maid. in-service training n (professional training while on the job)在职培训We all had to attend an in-service training session before we could use the new computer system. Internal Revenue Service n (US tax collection agency) (美国)国内税务署The Internal Revenue Service collects trillions of dollars each year. IRS n US, initialism (Internal Revenue Service) (Internal Revenue Service的缩写形式)美国国税局I owe money to the IRS this year. jury service, jury duty n (service on a court jury)充当陪审团的义务Jury duty might seem like a break from work, but really it's very boring. laundry service n (clothes-washing business)洗衣服务 lip service n figurative (superficial attention) (比喻)空口白话,口惠Her policies to help poorer families are more than just lip service. maid service n (cleaner, cleaning business)清洁服务 memorial service n (ceremony held in commemoration)追悼会,悼念仪式 military service n (compulsory period spent in the army)兵役Compulsory military service was abolished in Spain in 2001. MLS n initialism (multiple listing service)多重上市服务;MLS房源系统 NHS n (British National Health Service) (英国)全民医疗保健服务 OHMS, O.H.M.S. expr written, initialism (On His/Her Majesty's Service) (书面首字母缩略语)为英王陛下效劳 On Her Majesty's Service, On His Majesty's Service expr UK, Can, AU, written (franking on government correspondence) (政府公函抬头)为女王陛下服务;为英王陛下效劳 out of service expr (not operating or running)停止运行;停用 out of service expr (out of order: not functioning)故障 pay lip service to [sth/sb], pay [sth/sb] lip service v expr figurative (give superficial attention)口惠而实不至Obama paid lip service to closing Guantanamo, but he hasn't taken action yet. porterage, porter service n (carrying luggage)搬运服务;行李服务 postal service n (organized handling and delivery of mail)邮政服务 public service n (supplying of a service)公共服务 public service n often plural (service provided)公共服务 public service n Aus, NZ (civil service)公众服务;公共服务 room service n (hotel service providing food in room)(酒店) 送餐服务I ordered room service half an hour ago! - where have you been? Instead of going down to the dining room tonight, let's call room service and have dinner right here. secret service n (government intelligence agency)特务机关 self-checkout, self-service checkout n (automated store payment system)自助结账;自助付款结账 self-service n (facilities that are unstaffed) (商场等)自助部,自助服务部 self-service n as adj (unstaffed)自助的;自助服务的I'd rather be served by a waiter than eat in a self-service restaurant. service area n UK (motorway facilities) (高速路边供来往车辆休息的区域)路边服务站; (广播等的)服务区He drove the car off the highway and into the service area so he could eat lunch and use the bathroom. service center (US), service centre (UK) n (repair shop)维修服务中心 service charge n (tip paid to serving staff)服务小费There is a 10% service charge added to the restaurant bill. service delivery n (provision of [sth])提供服务,服务交付 service desk n (help desk, IT support desk)服务台;技术支持部门She went to the service desk at the train station to ask for a train timetable. service entrance n (tradesman's door)服务入口The restaurant owner asks that all deliveries be brought to the service entrance. service industry n (business providing a service)服务行业Catering is part of the service industry, as is dry-cleaning. service level agreement n (contract defining scope of [sth] to be provided)服务水平协议 service life n (period a product is expected to last)使用寿命,有效期限 service line n (tennis: boundary marking) (网球术语)发球界线The serve didn't count because the player's foot was over the service line. service mark n (logo of a commercial service)服务商标The service mark appears on the uniforms of the company's employees. service of process n (law: notice of action) (法律)传票送达 service provider n (company: provides internet)网络服务提供商;网络公司 service record n (employment history)就业记录If you don't think he can do the job, you can always check his service record at the employment office. service record n US (history of military service)服役记录The sergeant had a great service record and had won many medals. service record n (vehicle: record of maintence) (车辆)维修记录When they repaired the car's engine they made an entry on the service record. service request n (request for assistance)服务请求;支持请求 service road, also US: frontage road n (road alongside expressway)辅道;辅助车道 service station n (gas station)加油站 service station n (motorway rest-stop) (高速公路上的)服务站;休息站 shuttle service n (transport going back and forth)(交通工具)往返交通服务There's a free shuttle service from the car park to the shopping centre. silver service n UK (formal method of serving dinner) (正式用餐)银级服务,银质服务 social services npl (amenities and assistance to community)社会福利部门;社会福利事业Some people think that immigrants shouldn't have automatic access to social services. tea service n (set of teapot and cups)茶具My grandmother has a silver tea service that she uses on special occasions. tow service n (company that hauls away vehicles)拖车服务 train service n (provision of railway transport)铁路运输服务Unfortunately there's no train service to Bexhill so we'll have to take the bus. wire service n (agency that sends news stories)新闻通讯社




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