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词汇 saint
释义 saintUK:*/ˈseɪnt/US:/seɪnt/ ,(sānt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 saint n (canonized person)正式追封的圣徒There is a long process involved in the church declaring a person a saint. Saint n (title of canonized person) (头衔)圣徒,圣人Saint Peter was one of Jesus' disciples. saint n figurative, informal (very good person)极为高尚的人;至善之人Rick takes such good care of his parents; he's a saint. saint n (holy person)圣人The widow took comfort from the fact that her husband was now among the saints in heaven. 复合形式: patron saint n (saint who protects a certain group)守护神Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers. Peter, Saint Peter, St Peter n (Biblical saint, apostle) (圣徒)彼得Peter spread the word of Christ. Saint Bernard n (large Swiss dog) (产于瑞士的一种狗)圣伯纳德狗Saint Bernards are used to rescue people in the Alps. Saint James n (Christian holy figure) (耶稣门徒)圣雅各 Saint James the Apostle n (Christian holy figure)圣詹姆斯使徒The book of James in the Bible is thought to be written not by Saint James the Apostle, but by James the Just. Saint Mary n (Christian holy figure) (耶稣之母)圣母玛利亚 Saint Patrick n (Christianity: patron saint of Ireland) (爱尔兰主保圣人)圣帕特里克 Saint Patrick's Day n (March 17: Irish holiday) (爱尔兰节日,3月17日)圣帕特里克节 Saint Paul n (Christian holy figure) (耶稣门徒)圣保罗 Saint Stephen n (Christian holy figure) (基督教首位殉道者)圣司提反The stones in this painting of Saint Stephen represent his death by stoning for sake of his faith. Saint Valentine n (Christian holy figure) (古罗马圣徒)圣瓦伦丁Saint Valentine may never have existed, but he remains a boon to the greeting-card and candy industries. Saint Valentine's Day (holiday)情人节 Valentine's Day, Saint Valentine's Day n (14th February: lovers' celebration)情人节What did you and your partner do for Valentine's day?




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