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词汇 routine
释义 routineUK:*/ruːˈtiːn/US:/ruˈtin/ ,(ro̅o̅ tēn′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 routine n (daily tasks)日常事务Ian's routine includes taking the kids to school, then going to work, and doing household chores in the evening.伊安的日常事务包括送孩子上学、上班,然后傍晚回家做家务。 routine adj (normal)平常的;常规的;例行的It was just a routine day; nothing special happened.那是平常的一天,没有特别的事情发生。 其他翻译 routine n (computer: program operations) (计算机)例行程序,例程; (电脑(计算机),香港,台湾)常用程式,常式This program is designed to keep rerunning the same routine. routine n (entertainment: performance)固定的娱乐节目The comedian's routine wasn't popular with the audience. routine n (dance steps: sequence)一套舞步The dance teacher showed the class the routine and asked them to repeat it. 复合形式: daily routine n (sequence of things done every day)日常安排;日常活动Reading the newspaper was part of Anthony's daily routine. dance routine n (sequence of steps in a dance)一套舞蹈动作In my class, we are learning two new dance routines. exercise routine n (systematic physical workout)日常锻炼Mrs. Peabody hired a personal trainer to create an exercise routine just for her. humdrum routine n (boring everyday life)平常日子;平凡生活Everything has become such a humdrum routine lately. morning routine n (usual activities done before midday)晨间例行之事My morning routine includes shaving, showering, eating, and getting dressed.




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