banged on───飞中目标;了不起
banked on───指望;依赖
bashed in───打坏
beared on───留着胡子
passed on───度过;通过
bashed out───痛斥
bashed up───重击(非正式);猛击(非正式)
The book is based on personal experience.───本书是根据个人经历写成的。
Homeopathic treatment is based on the "like cures like" principle.───顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。
We find her evidence to be based on a degree of oversensitivity.───我们认识到她提供的证据在一定程度上是出于过分敏感。
The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.───选拔过程是基于对能力和经验的严格测试。
They're making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.───他们的判断是基于一种狭隘的世界观。
We produce our own hair-care products, all based on herbal recipes.───我们自己生产护发产品,全部采用草本配方.
The reports were based on inaccurate information.───这些报告所依据的是不准确的信息。
The movie is based on a real-life incident.───这部电影以现实生活中的一件事为基础。
Many pictures have been based on simple geometric designs.───许多画都是基于简单的几何图案。
The study was based on data from 2,100 women.───这项研究基于从2,100名女性那里收集来的资料。
The whole system was based on divine revelation in the Scriptures.───整个体系都建立在《圣经》的神圣启示的基础之上。
The menu is based on classic French cooking.───菜单是以经典的法国菜为主。
The novel is based on a true story.───这部小说是根据真实的故事写成的。
The Law recognises the weakness of claims based on retrospective knowledge.───法律基于追溯效力的相关规定认定索赔证据不足。
The book follows four characters, loosely based on my uncles.───该书描述了4个角色,大致上以我的几个叔叔为原型。
Three of the new products are based on traditional herbal medicines.───有3种新产品是以传统的草药为基础研制的。
The 350-page report was based on statements from witnesses to the events.───这份350页的报告是根据各位证人对这些事件的证词写成的。
The story is based on fact.───这个故事是根据真人真事写的。
- based and redpilled
- based on
- based upon
- based in