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词汇 throngs of people
释义 throngs of people
throngs of people发音



droves of people───成群结队的人

crowd of people───人群

bunch of people───一群人

the good people───(神话中的)仙妖;好人

chosen people───选民

handful of people───少数人

to outpeople───超过别人


She muscled through the throngs of people, frantically searching for David.───她使劲挤过人群,拼命寻找戴维。

Throngs of people fill Memphis' Beale Street, famed for its many bars and clubs frequented by some of the greatest names in blues music.───群集而来的人流充满了孟菲斯的贝尔街,这里的酒吧和俱乐部经常有蓝调音乐大师出现,整个街道也因此闻名。

But several people seemed shaken by what they described as "the second tremor," when throngs of vandals looted stores and warehouses in the worst affected areas of the disaster zone.───但是,当受灾最严重地区成群结队的抢掠者抢劫商店和仓库时,有些人似乎被描述为“第二次地震”的情况震动了。

The only problem was, as in most world heritage sites around the world, that the throngs of people wrecked the peace and calm.───唯一的问题就是,和世界上所有文化遗址一样,熙熙攘攘的人群破坏了这里的和平与安宁。

When it opened its doors for business throngs of people swarmed in and a mass stampede began.───当开门营业时,顾客大量涌入,人多拥挤,发生了踩踏事故。

Throngs of people fill Memphis' Beale Street, famed for its many bars and clubs frequented by some of the greatest names in blues music.───孟菲斯的贝尔街挤满了人群,这里的酒吧和俱乐部经常有蓝调音乐大师出现,整个街道也因此闻名。

I'm looking for you consistently among the throngs of people.───我在人群中不停地寻找你。

E. B. Eddy had shut down production for the event and throngs of people showed up; a band played in the streets for two hours to celebrate.───Eddy公司为此暂停生产一天,街上人群涌动;一个乐队表演了两个小时来庆祝此次盛事。

He has neither the time nor the patience to deal with the throngs of people that he encounters on a daily basis.───他既没有时间也没有耐心去处理各种各样他每天都要遇到的人。


Throngs of people jammed Saint Peter’s Square, the boulevard leading up to it and nearby piazzas for the special beatification mass at the Vatican.

Throngs of people moved along the sidewalks carrying walking sticks, packages, umbrellas.

  • throngs of people
  • throngs of




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