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词汇 ill will
释义 ill will
ill will发音

n.憎恶,恶意; 坏心眼儿; 嫌



ill wills───恶意;憎恶


ill wind───n.倒霉;不幸

chill pill───冷静药丸


ill winds───n.倒霉;不幸

iron will───钢铁意志,毅力


Well then, Mastro Geppetto," said the carpenter, to show he bore him no ill will, "what is it you want?"───好啦,杰佩托,”木匠为了表示他并没有恶意,说道,“你要什么?”

All previous ill will has been removed.───前嫌尽释.

Being resolved on renunciation, on freedom from ill will, on harmlessness.───出离思惟、无嗔思惟 、 无害思惟.

Frankly, I think you were simply curious and meant no ill will.───坦白说, 我觉得你只是纯粹好奇而并非存有恶意或闹事的意念.

Skin is the body's largest organ, the human body ill will be reflected on the skin.───皮肤是人体最大的器官, 人体内有病都会在皮肤上反映出来.

Resentment, hatred, ill will, and hostility are behind a host of maladies.───怨恨 、 憎恨 、 恶意 、 敌意这些是导致大量病痛的诱因.

There is no ill will in what I say.───我说的话并无恶意.

Conversation after conversation regarding allocations peeled away the rivalries and ill will below the surface.───明争暗斗的时候都是在吵资金分配的事.

She bore him no ill will.───她对他没有恶意。

There will be bumpers downed and Sylvester who is ill will come out of his illness.───一杯杯酒将被喝掉,生病的西尔维斯特也会痊愈.

Being resolved on sensuality , on ill will, on harmfulness.───欲思惟、嗔思惟 、 害思惟.

She bore no ill will. If people didn't like her, too bad.───她没有恶意。如果人们不喜欢她,那就太糟糕了。

From phenomenal analysis, should somebody engineers this second ill will is attacked meticulously.───从现象分析, 本次恶意攻击应该是有人精心策划的.

Only when he is seriously ill will he stay in bed.───他只有病得非常严重时才会卧床休息.

Lat let there be no ill will.───勿存歹心,勿存恶念.

He didn't owe her ill will.───他对她并非怀有恶意.

Of implication. insinuation and Ill will. till'you cannot lie still.───暗示着. 讽刺与憎恶. 直到你再也不会说谎.

Wishing him ill will kept him in her mind more then he should have been.───诅咒他只会让她依然记着他.

I'm not sure what lay behind her remarks, but it wasn't ill will.───我不能肯定她说话的动机是什么, 但那番话绝不会是恶意.

She harbored ill will in what I say.───她对我怀有敌意.

Gentlemen, that ill will, that bad luck, I could never forgive.───先生们, 这样的恶意所造成的不幸, 我是绝对不能宽容的.

She bears ( me ) no ill will.───她 ( 对我 ) 不怀任何恶意.

She bore him no ill will.───她对他毫无恶意.

He didn't bear anyone any ill will.───他对所有人都没有任何恶意。

He spoke to the Don directly, taking a chance on incurring Michael's ill will.───他直接向老头子谈自己的意见, 这显然要冒引起迈克尔反感的风险.

He didn't bear anyone any ill will.───他对任何人都无恶意。

They bear you no ill will.───他们对你并无恶意.

I feel no ill will towards her in spite of her unkindness.───尽管她很不友善,但是我对她没有恶感.

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