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词汇 remote
释义 remoteUK:*/rɪˈməʊt/US:/rɪˈmoʊt/ ,(ri mōt′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 remote adj (distant) (地理距离)遥远的,偏远的He lives in a remote village about 100 km from here.他住在一个偏远的村庄,离这儿约100公里。 remote adj (secluded, isolated)遥远的;偏远的;偏僻的Roosevelt strove to bring electricity to the most remote areas in the U.S.罗斯福致力于让美国最偏远的地区通上电。 remote adj (aloof)疏远的;冷淡的Mary's quietness led people to believe she was somewhat remote.玛丽沉默寡言,让别人觉得她有点冷淡。 remote adj figurative (possibility: faint) (可能性、机会)渺茫的,一线,一丝There is a remote chance you will get the job, but as you did badly in the interview, I don't think it's likely.本来你还有一线机会得到这份工作,但由于你在面试过程中表现不佳,我觉得你现在是没戏了。 其他翻译 remote adj (distantly related) (亲戚、亲属)远房的,血缘关系远的The president is a remote cousin of mine. remote adj (distant in time) (时间)遥远的,久远的The year 2092 seems rather remote to me. remote adj (indirect)远距离的;(道路)迂回的The mountain road is a remote way of going to Torino. remote adj (not closely connected)与…不太相干的;与…差异大的Her calm, unruffled poise is as remote from his temper tantrums as it's possible to be. remote adj (electronic device: operated at distance)远程的Rosa flies her remote airplane in the park. remote n informal, abbreviation (electronic device: remote control) (电视等)遥控器,远程控制器Give me the remote so I can choose a channel.把遥控器给我,我好选台。 复合形式: remote control n (device: for TV, etc.)远程遥控;遥控器The remote control for the TV didn't work because the batteries were flat.因为电池快要没电了,所以电视机的遥控器不工作了。 remote maintenance n (technical support from off site)远程维护;远程维修IBM uses remote maintenance so that their engineers don't need to travel from place to place. remote past, the remote past n (time long ago)遥远的过去This ruin was inhabited by a farming family some time in the remote past. remote possibility n (very slight chance)渺茫的可能性;机会渺茫There's a very remote possibility that a large asteroid will destroy the earth today. remote region n (isolated area)偏远地区The Red Cross had difficulty getting aid to the remote region after the earthquake. remote sensing n (detection of [sth] from a distance)遥感 remote working n (doing your job off site)远程工作 remote-controlled adj (operated by electronic remote)远程遥控的 TV remote n informal, abbreviation (television remote: handheld control)电视遥控器




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