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词汇 ray
释义 rayUK:*'ray', 'Ray': /reɪ/US:/reɪ/US:'ray': (rā); 'Ray': (rā for 1, 2, 4, 5; rī for 3)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 ray n (shaft of light)光线The sun's rays broke through the clouds. ray n (fish)鳍刺Dave saw a ray swim past the boat. ray n (re: second note of musical scale)大音阶的第二音;“re”音"Ray" comes after "do." 其他翻译 a ray of [sth] n figurative (small amount)一丝;一线The news gave Linda a ray of comfort. ray n (mathematics: part of a line)射线 复合形式: Blu-ray n (digital video disc)蓝光碟 cathode ray tube n (TV: device to display images) (电视的显像管)阴极射线管,电子射线管The cathode ray tube, or CRT, is being replaced by newer display technologies, such as LCD (liquid crystal display) or plasma. chest x-ray, chest X-ray n (examination of chest by radiograph)胸透;胸部射线检查He had annual chest x-rays but they failed to detect his lung cancer. chest x-ray, chest X-ray n (radiograph picture of [sb]'s chest)胸透X光片;胸肺平片The chest x-ray shows a small spot on the right lung. CRT n initialism (cathode ray tube)阴极射线管 devil ray n (manta ray: flat-bodied fish)蝠鲼;魔鬼魟Steve Irwin met his death when he was stung by a devil ray on the Great Barrier Reef. gamma-ray burst n (electromagnetic event)伽玛射线暴;伽玛射线爆发 manta ray n (marine fish) (一种身体扁平的深海鱼)蝠鱼Although similar in appearance to the sting ray, the manta ray is a different species. ray gun n (gun that fires rays)激光枪 ray gun n (child's toy gun)玩具枪 ray of hope n (reason for optimism)一线希望There was a ray of hope for the economy when the stock market improved.The advances in medicine give a ray of hope for a cancer cure. ray of light n (light beam)一缕光线Suddenly a ray of light beamed in the darkness, helping us climb to safety. ray of light n figurative (source of rare joy)给人带来温暖幸福的人; (比喻)生命中的一缕阳光You, my precious, are a true ray of light in my troubled life. ray of sunshine n (beam of sunlight)一缕阳光A ray of sunshine came in through the window. ray of sunshine n figurative (source of joy or cheer)快乐的源泉,让人感到快乐温暖的人或物My daughter is a little ray of sunshine. x-ray, X-ray n (radiograph)X射线;X光He had to have an x-ray as they thought he might have broken a bone. x-ray, X-ray n (radiograph image)X射线成像图;X光照片He showed me a copy of the x-ray. x-rays, X-rays npl (type of radiation)X光照片;X光片The Earth's atmosphere absorbs most X-rays and gamma-rays. X-ray [sth/sb], x-ray [sth/sb] vtr (examine by radiograph)照X光The doctor will x-ray your leg to see if any bones are broken. x-ray machine, X-ray machine n (medical apparatus for radiography)X光机My doctor's office doesn't have an x-ray machine so they sent me to the hospital. x-ray room, X-ray room n (in a hospital, etc.)X扫描室;放射科 x-ray technician, X-ray technician n (radiographer)X光技师,放射技师 x-ray vision, X-ray vision n (ability to see through solid matter)X射线视觉,透视眼




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