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词汇 hunkering down
释义 hunkering down
hunkering down发音



bucketing down───大雨倾盆

hunker down───沉潜待发

hunkered down───蹲坐(hunkered是hunker的过去式)

hunkers down───沉潜待发

hunting down───穷追直至抓获

battering down───v.打烂

buckling down───倾全力;开始认真从事

gunning down───枪杀;开枪打伤

handing down───遗传


He ended up hunkering down beside her.───他最终在她身边蹲了下来。

Hunkering down will only make you less influential and so less effective.───独善其身只会降低管理者的影响力和效率。

Suzuki said last month that it was cancelling plans to build a Russian factory, but most foreign firms are hunkering down and waiting for an upturn.───上个月铃木说,他们取消了再俄罗斯建厂的计划,但是大部分的外国公司在在静待好转和一个回暖。

"In the coming months we'll see a lot of companies hunkering down and choosing not to expand, " she said.───“在未来几书月内,我们会看到很多公司静待和选择不扩大,”她说。

But like many of my friends and I, these people are putting their wallets away and hunkering down for years of economic malaise.───但就像我的很多朋友和我一样,这些人正在收起自己的钱包,做好准备迎接长达数年的经济不景气。

But Prof Shambaugh, who detects a "hunkering down in Chinese diplomacy" , says the plan was stillborn.───但沈大伟教授表示,这项计划已经胎死腹中。他察觉到,“中国外交透出一种固执己见的意味”。

Both campaigns are hunkering down in swing states to make their last-ditch effort.───两个竞选团队都扎根摇摆州,做自己最后的努力。

In the U. S. , for example, the Federal Reserve seems to be hunkering down for an extended period of slow growth.───比方说在美国,美联储看来是放低身段准备应对长期的缓慢增长。

The overall unemployment rate of 8. 3% looks better because companies are hunkering down and retaining staff in the hope of a recovery.───3%的总失业率看上去还不错,因为公司都收敛锋芒、留住兵马,期待经济复苏的到来。


He ended up hunkering down beside her.

This year, Hollywood mostly prostrated itself, hunkering down until the wind from the right blows over.

Many Americans are unable to tap any form of credit, fear they will be laid off from their jobs and are hunkering down, paying off debt.

A third student has plopped his books by the door and is hunkering down against the wall.

People are hunkering down in camps.





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