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词汇 prime
释义 primeUK:*/ˈpraɪm/US:/praɪm/ ,(prīm)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 prime adj (best, of top quality)最好的,上等的,优质的The butcher gave Tom a prime cut of beef. This is prime real estate; it's a good investment.屠夫给了汤姆一块上等牛肉。这栋房产非常优质,是一笔很不错的投资。 prime adj (chief, most important)首要的;最重要的Adrian's prime motivation was money.亚德里安首要的动力是钱。 prime adj (initial, original)最初的;起初的The prime source of these problems is Paula's unwillingness to compromise.这些问题最初就因为宝拉不愿意让步。 prime adj (number: divisible by 1 or itself)质数的;素数的A number that is prime can only be divided evenly by 1 or by itself.一个质数只能被1或其自身除尽。 the prime of your life, the prime of life n (best, healthiest time in life)一生最好的时期;全盛时期Many people say that your thirties are the prime of your life.许多人说,30到40岁是人一生中的黄金时期。 prime [sth] vtr (weapon: prepare for shooting) (武器)为...装填弹药The hunter primed his rifle when he saw the deer.看到鹿的时候,猎人为自己的来复枪装填好了弹药。 prime [sth] for [sth] vtr (prepare [sth] for action)使准备好Judith primed the machine, ready to start up as soon as it was needed.朱迪斯做好了机器准备,有需要可以立马开动。 prime n (prime number) (数学)质数,素数Primes can only be divided by themselves and 1.质数只能被1或其自身除尽。 其他翻译 prime [sb] vtr (prepare [sb])使…准备好;使…做好准备Bethany wants to get into Oxbridge, so her teacher is priming her. prime [sb] for [sth] vtr (prepare [sb] for [sth])使…为…做好准备Bethany's teacher is priming her for her Oxbridge entrance exam. prime [sth] vtr (put fluid into: a pump) (泵)给…注液Keep an eye on the pressure gauge as you are priming the water pump. 复合形式: in the prime of life, in the prime of your life, in your prime expr (when you are healthiest, happiest)处于人生的巅峰时期,处于人生中最好的年华;年富力强 prime example n (best demonstration of [sth])最好的例子The oil spill in the Gulf is a prime example of how not to drill off-shore. prime location n (most desirable area)黄金地段,最佳位置The new casino will be in a prime location between the airport and the stadium. prime meridian n (line of longitude at 0°)0°经线,零子午线 the Prime Meridian n (line of longitude at Greenwich)本初子午线,格林尼治子午线 prime minister, Prime Minister n (head of government)首相;总理Italy's prime minister has resigned after losing a confidence vote in the senate.In parliamentary systems the prime minister heads the government but is not the head of state.意大利总理失去了参议员的信任投票,辞职了。 // 在议会制中,首相领导政府,不过并非国家领导人。 prime mover n (philosophy: first cause)原动力 prime mover n (engine)原动机 prime number n (figure divisible by itself and 1) (只能被其自身和1整除的数)质数,素数In their search for new prime numbers, mathematicians use supercomputers nowadays. prime rate n (bank's lowest interest rate) (银行)最优惠贷款利率Currently, the prime rate in the U.S. is 3.25%. prime rib n (beef: meat from ribs) (一般包括2-7条,整块烤制后再逐一切开)牛肋排 prime rib meat n (beef: meat from ribs)肋排肉;肋眼牛排 prime the pump v expr (stimulate [sth] to happen)刺激某事发展;激励某事物发展The new frozen yogurt shop primed the pump with a day-long giveaway. prime time n (tv, radio: peak hours) (收视/收听率最高的时间)黄金时间TV channels broadcast their most popular programmes during prime time. prime time, prime-time, primetime n as adj (in peak hours)黄金时间的;高峰时间的备注: hyphen or single-word form used when term is a modifier before another nounTelevision stations charge more for advertising on prime-time shows. prime-ministerial, prime ministerial adj (relating to a prime minister)首相的;总理的 subprime, sub-prime adj (loan: below prime rate)次贷;次级性抵押贷款备注: 次贷是指一些贷款机构向信用程度较差和收入不高的借款人提供的贷款。The only thing the bank will give me is a subprime loan.




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