commercially viable───具商业利益;有利可图
universally available───普遍可用
commercial advantage───商业优势
commercial capital───[经]商业资本
commercial traveller───旅行推销员
commercial vehicle───商用车辆
commercially minded───商业头脑
easily available───容易获得
readily available───现成的
On the other hand, prepared negative plate expander is commercially available.───另一方面, 在商业上可购到现成的负极板膨胀剂.
The objective of commercially available layout tools is often zero skew or a fixed skew bound.───商用布局软体的目标,往往是零时序差异或有限的时序差异.
This is a commercially available IBM product for generating user loads.───这是用于生成用户负载的商业化的IBM产品。
Several languages having various features and applications are commercially available.───有各种功能的几种语言已经进入商业应用了.
The product is commercially available.───这种产品在商业上是可行的.
It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence.───这是第一台具有商业价值的人工智能机器。
Water - soluble lubricants are commercially available in various dispensers or in tubes.───可以在商店购买到各种包装或管装的水溶剂型润滑液.
The product is not yet commercially available.───这种产品还没有上市。
Whenever possible, commercially available components were used.───在元件选择方面则尽量采用商用元件.
Samples were either commercially available reagents, or submitted by interested companies.───样品可以是商用试剂, 也由感兴趣公司提供.
The use of commercially available dry pellet feeds is also introduced to fish farmers.───该署又介绍养鱼户使用各种不同的干粒料鱼粮.
When using a commercially available switching regulator, ground its chassis grounding and earth grounding terminals.───当使用市场上可买到的开关调节器时, 将其机壳接地端子与地面接地端子接地.
When will this new product be made commercially available?───这一新产品什么时候能上市?
A wide variety of solvent cements and primers are commercially available.───在市场上有各种各样的液状粘固剂和底漆提供.
It'should be commercially available in a few weeks'time.───这项服务将在几个星期后上市.
More advanced techniques are presented briefly as well as some commercially available program packages.───更先进的技术被短暂提出,和一些市场上可买到程式包.
Clip - gage excitation was supplied by a commercially available power supply ( signal conditioner ).───回形引伸计的激励电压由商售的通用电源装置 ( 信号调制器 ) 来提供.
Many are also commercially available at quite reasonable prices.───在市场上也可以购到许多廉价的(元件).
The product is not yet commercially available.
Certainly there are commercially available recognition units which can be plugged into home computers but they are very unsophisticated.
Rayosan, patented by Pailthorpe, is made from commercially available chemicals approved by international regulatory bodies.
Diets sterilized by irradiation are commercially available.
It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence.
They warned that commercially available encryption software would be easily overcome by intelligence services.
Is there a commercially available package that produces the required format?
Throughout the century, the quantity of apparatus commercially available greatly increased.
Enzyme immunoassays are commercially available for detecting antibody to hepatitis C virus.