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词汇 housing bubble
释义 housing bubble
housing bubble发音



housing supply───住房供应量

housing boom───房屋市场的繁荣

housing estate───住宅区;居民村;房地产业

housing scheme───住宅建筑方案

social bubble───人际泡沫(指一些人看起来结识的人不少,但事实上,真正能称之为朋友的却寥寥无几)

doubling dribble───两次运球

housing benefit───住房补贴

housing estates───居民村;居住区(housingestate的名词复数)

housing officer───实习医生;见习医生


Many of them thought the housing bubble would pop or the dollar would fall.───其中许多人想到房差泡沫会破裂,美元会下跌.

He did support inducing a housing bubble.───他确实支持制造住房市场泡沫。

But high - risk loans led to today's credit crisis once the housing bubble burst.───但是,房产泡沫破裂之后,高风险的贷款导致了今日信贷危机.

Prices up and up in recent years, before the housing bubble burst.───在房地产泡沫破裂前,最近几年里房价不断上升.

In absolute terms , the credit boom on top of the housing bubble was unparalleled.───商业不动产的价格也是一样.

Whether that would have stopped the housing bubble is open to question.───这是否能防止房产产生泡沫并未可知.

First came the bursting of the tech - stock bubble, now the bursting of the housing bubble.───先是科技股泡沫的破裂, 现在是房地产泡沫的破裂.

Official statistics most likely underestimate the size of the housing bubble.───这些官方数据极有可能低估了住宅市场泡沫的规模.

Moreover, central banks make mistakes, as the Fed did in allowing the housing bubble to inflate.───而且, 中行的银行家们已经犯了错误, 比如说美联储允许房地产泡沫引起的通胀.

It's the final gasp of the burst housing bubble.───它是房地产泡沫破灭前的一次苟延残喘。

Now it is a symbol of the housing bubble.───现在又变成房产泡沫的象征。

But some seem at least as concerned about defining when the housing bubble began.───不过,有些人看来至少也同样关心怎样定义楼市泡沫是何时开始的.


In absolute terms , the credit boom on top of the housing bubble was unparalleled.

The bursting of the U.S. housing bubble acted as a detonator that exploded a much larger super-bubble that started developing in the 1980s, when market fundamentalism became the dominant creed.

But Americans seem to have taken onelesson from the housing bubble, Girard said: Home prices can fall.

In any case, some of the financial snake oil peddled at the height of the housing bubble was bad for saving.

Given the decoupling of monetary policy from long-term mortgage rates, accelerating the path of monetary tightening that the Fed pursued in 2004-2005 could not have 'prevented' the housing bubble.

Official statistics most likely underestimate the size of the housing bubble.

And what about his strawman protests that he didn't cause the housing bubble, much less the Enron scandal or Kennedy's assassination?

When the Chinese government sought to quell the emerging housing bubble in 2007 by tightening up lending criteria, it sent the market into reverse.

To appreciate Georgia's specialness, you need to realize that the housing bubble was a geographically uneven affair.

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