hurdle rate───要求报酬率;门坎比率;最低可接受费率
highly rated───高度评价
hourly basis───时间单位
doubly serrate───双锯齿
burn rate───烧钱率;消耗速度;资金消耗率
church rate───教堂维持费
coupon rate───票面利率;息票利率
curly kale───羽衣甘蓝
Should client default, we reserve the right to apply our hourly rate at $ 275 & up per hour.───如客户违约, 我行保留权利适用按小时 记费 方式,以每小时275美元起计算.
You should persuade someone else who works at a lower hourly rate to do it for you.───你应该劝说别人以更低的小时计酬为你工作。
Our charges are calculated by reference to an hourly rate.───我们收费是按每小时的固定费用计算的.
On Crossloop, you could create a profile, set your hourly rate and help people from all over the world in resolving their computer issues.───你可以在Crossloop创建个人资料,设置你的小时工资标准,就可帮世界各地的朋友解决电脑问题。
Quote your portfolio and hourly rate in a PM.───你的投资组合和报价时薪在一下午.
A fully loaded hourly rate is typically a multiple between 1.5 and 2.5 times higher than the salaried hourly component.───全负荷小时率一般要比薪水制小时组件高1.5到2.5倍。
The hourly rate for a newlyqualified lawyer at a big firm can reach & pound ; 235 ( $ 425 ).───大型律所的一个新手每小时的收费达235 英镑 ( 425美元 ).
Please bid $ 35 and indicate your hourly rate.───请叫价35元,并说明你的时薪.
The overhead rate can be expressed as a percent - age or an hourly rate.───间接费用分配率可以用百分比或小时费率来表示.
But most work overtime , which can pay 1.5 times or more than the standard hourly rate.───不过,大部分工人都会加班, 加班费为每小时标准工资的1.5倍甚至更多.
Advertiser may elect in advance to be charged on this hourly rate basis.───广告商可能提前选择在此每小时基础上的工作对象.
The hourly rate is £20 all in.
They are paid an hourly rate.
Or perhaps an hourly rate - what do you think?
In most cases, lawyers charge on an hourly rate.
Hourly rate of pay £4.11. Application forms and further details can be obtained from the school office.
What's the hourly rate for cleaning?
The client must be told the hourly rate charged and the extent of the mark-up for skill, care and attention.
The plan for a £3.40 minimum hourly rate of pay is a key part of the Labour party's manifesto.
There is one basic hourly rate with a limited number of hours and a single overtime rate.
- hourly dad
- hourly rate