

词汇 hot line
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hot lines───电话热线(供危机或紧急时使用的通讯线路)

hot link───超链接

short line───两点间的最短路程

chat line───n.聊天热线

foot line───[水产]沉子纲

hot links───超链接


Heaven has a twenty-four-hour emergency hot line. God wants you to ask him for assistance in overcoming temptation.───天堂设有廿四小时紧急热线,神要你在需要克服试探时向他求援。

Soviet and American leaders sign the Hot Line Agreement.───苏美两国领导人签订了“热线协议书”.

III Individual responsibility, organized service hot line.───第三:责任到人, 成立了服务热线电话.

The hot line will offer legal aid to women and children.───这条热线为妇女和儿童提供法律援助.

After several attempts, he finally got through to the hot line.───经过了几次的尝试, 他终于拨通了热线电话.

If you want to obtain detailed information, please phone a tourist hot line.───想要了解详情, 请拨打旅游热线.

I am never able to get through to the hot - line of this program.───这个栏目的热线电话一直打不通.

Simply phone the ticket hot-line and all that aggro will be a thing of the past.───只要拨打订票热线,所有难题都将成为过去式。

Consider calling a domestic violence hot line for advice and creating a plan to leave your abuser.───考虑一下拨打家庭暴力热线以寻求建议,并且制作一个计划离开你的施虐者。

If you find things that could harm the environment, call 12369—a hot line.───如果你发现有可能危害环境的东西,请拨打12369热线电话。

All inquiries via our email or hot line 61110206 are welcomed.───如有查询,欢迎透过电邮或热线61110206联络本会.

Our clients have the channel to complain to us whenever and whatever via round - the - clock hot - line.───客户在接受服务过程中有任何意见与建议,可以直接通过 全天候 敞开的投诉电话告之我们.

If has the feminine friend to dial the hot line, also will love provides the help.───如果有女性朋友拨打热线, 也将热心提供帮助.

For Apple Daily establish a hot line, helps reader to solve their computer problem.───为苹果日报写专栏之同时,兼为苹果日报设立热线, 帮读者解答电脑疑难.

Its test point is used to connect Hot Line Voltage Indicator.───它的测试点,是用来连接热门线路电压指标.

Display telephone order form hot line function, practical convenient passenger.───发挥电话订票热线的功能, 切实方便旅客.

Technical support hot line for customer.───对客户的电话技术支援.

Future still offered service hot line for this without care.───前程无忧还为此开设了服务热线.


The information will be collected on a confidential hot line, called Raceguard, operating on a 24-hour answerphone from next Tuesday.

It was as if she had a hot line to the Devil.

This is a hot line established by state child welfare agencies for the reporting of child abuse.

But it does encourage calls to its 24-hour hot line from people running networks based on more sophisticated operating system software.

Union leaders say the hot line is needed badly.

The Army, which has set up a toll-free hot line, is investigating more than 200 allegations throughout the service.

Soviet and American leaders sign the Hot Line Agreement.

III Individual responsibility, organized service hot line.

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