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Holy Scriptures───魔幻圣典

Holy Scripture───圣经

holy pictures───神圣的图画

holy picture───圣像


soft sculptures───软雕塑

the Scriptures───圣经

bone structures───骨架;骨结构

dolly mixtures───彩色什锦糖果,多利混合口味


This is no place to bask in the warmth of the holy scriptures!───这并不是个体会神圣经文温暖的地方!

Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures?───这福音是神从前藉众先知,在圣经上所应许的。

Which he had promised before, by his prophets, in the holy scriptures.───这福音是天主先前藉自己的先知在圣经上所预许的。

Answer: The holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, the only rule of faith and obedience.───答:新旧约圣经就是神的道,是信仰与顺服的惟一准则。

The Holy Scriptures are to be accepted as an authoritative, infallible revelation of His will.───人应当接受《圣经》为具有权威而毫无错误之上帝旨意的启示。

He who has the Holy Spirit in his heart and the Holy scriptures in his hands has all he needs.───一个心中有圣灵,手上有圣经的人,他一无所缺。

While delivering the blasphemies, I remember how I work piously at home writing an apology of the holy Scriptures and of the Revelation.───当我说着那些亵渎之言时,却记起我是如何在家中虔诚写作、为《圣经》和《启示录》辩护。

austerities viz. self-meditation, doing penance, fasting and study of holy scriptures were performed during that period.───在那期间进行苦修,即反思,苦行,斋戒及学习宗教经文。


II Timothy 3:15 And how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

This is no place to bask in the warmth of the holy scriptures!

He teaches the Holy Scriptures as he travels around.

  • holy water
  • holy mountain
  • holy spirit
  • holy ghost
  • holy place
  • holy grail
  • holy big
  • holy communion




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