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historical costs───历史成本;过去成本

historical methods───历史研究方法

historical presents───历史现在式

historical research───历史研究

historical cost───历史成本;过去成本

historical facts───史实

historical method───历史方法

historical period───历史阶段

historical reality───历史现实


Mongolian people don't have many written historical records.───蒙古人没有多少文字史料。

These materials can't be said to have much value as historical records.───这些材料无所谓有什么史料价值。

Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed.───艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地毁掉了.

Historical Records is a significant historical epic.───《史记》是一部气势恢宏的历史史诗.

Some people say that & quot ; Historical Records & quot ; is a Han Dynasty book of slander.───有人说, 《 史记 》是汉代的谤书.

Works of art, historic monuments and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed.───艺术作品 、 历史遗址以及无法估价的史料均遭到残酷的破坏.

Text appended to resource name on historical records.───追加到历史记录中资源名称的文本.

It can to Zhou Chao according to historical records.───据史书记载,可以追溯到周朝.

The Classics pavilion houses a rich collection of historical records.───藏经阁内存有丰富的历史资料.

We can often find Southeast Asias black race in Chinese historical records.───东南亚的黑色人种屡见于中国史籍,研究者认为黑人早在史前时期可能还分布于中国南部.

We now can be fairly certain from historical records that agriculture was an invention of women.───根据历史记载,我们现在能完全肯定,农业是妇女发明的.

Historical records show that over 300, 000 Chinese were killed.───史料记载共3000,000名中国同胞遇难。

Historical records cite the contents of the stone tablet.───历史资料记载了石碑上的内容.

Note: Each Rotary district is responsible for maintaining its own historical records.───请注意: 每个扶轮地区都必须负责留存自己的历史纪录.

Historical records, dragon boat race commemorates the patriotic poet qu yuan.───史书记载, 赛龙舟是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原而兴起的.

Works of art, historical monuments and priceless historical records were destroyed.───艺术作品, 历史纪念碑和珍贵的历史记录都被毁坏了.

Several historical records demonstrate that Weixiaowen Emperor who set the capital in Pingcheng believed in Buddhism.───多种史料表明,定都于平城(大同)的魏孝文帝对佛教崇信有加.


Historical records for this time are incomplete.

The historical records of the period are, at best fragmentary.

Record fish lists exist purely as historical records.

Historical records extend only a few thousand years, a time span that is still inadequate to treat slow geologic processes.

Throughout the period of historical records, Buddhism would appear to have been the primary religion of the Kucheans.

Text appended to resource name on historical records.

Incomplete historical records have made the investigation more difficult.

Historical records showed that every time the quantity manufactured doubled, the cost per unit reduced by the same amount.

All the historical records have gone up in flames .

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