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词汇 high technology
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high technologies───高科技

video technology───视频技术

DCC technology───DCC技术



food technology───食品技术;[食品]食品工艺学


Many high technology companies are listed on it.───许多高科技企业名列其中。

Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China ( 863 Program )───国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目( 863 计划 )

A glossy combination of nature and high technology. Clean and elegant.───是自然和高科技的巧妙结合, 清洁和优雅.

Venture capital is the propulsive force of the high technology industry.───风险投资是高新技术产业发展的原动力.

In an age of high technology and discovery, such constraining definitions are practically useless.───在强调高科技和发现的年代, 这样狭隘的定义显然是没什么用的.

He has fused high technology with design, branding, and fashion.───他将高新科技与设计,品牌,时尚结合起来。

Magnetic levitated rotor is a new, high technology advanced field product that is promoted recent years.───磁悬浮转子是近几年提出的一种新型 、 高科技前沿产品.

High technology will be used in almost everything , including stadiums, Olympic Village, communication and traffic control.───高科技将应用于各个领域, 包括体育馆 、 奥运村 、 通信和交通控制.

The article emphasizes discussion development a few problems related industry of and high technology and accountant.───本文着重讨论发展高新技术产业与会计相关的几个问题.

New juggled culture is a kind of joking culture supported high technology and science.───新型的恶搞行为是在高科技支持下盛行的一种玩笑文化.

I instructed our Government to liberalize controls over the export to China of high technology products.───我曾经指示我国政府放宽对中国出口高级技术产品的管制.

Could the SAS approach work in other high technology organizations?───sas公司的作法也能运用在其他科技公司上 吗 ?

Producing product with high technology and accessional value is the inevitable choice of any enterprise.───生产高科技含量、高附加值的产品是企业在竞争中取胜的必由之路.

A growing number are heading for jobs in high technology.───一大批工商管理硕士将进入高技术领域工作.

Concentrate on high value, high technology commodity TJ localization, such as LCD, Imager.───集中精力做好高价值, 高科技部件产品, 如LCD, 数码像机等的天津本地化工作.

Hydrogen storage material takes an important part in the field of high technology.───储氢材料在高技术领域中占有日益重要的位置.

High technology remains the ace in the hole for foreign companies.───高科技仍然是外国公司的王牌.

Possessing high technology reactor coolant pump is the pride of a nuclear power plant.───拥有技术上先进的反应堆冷却剂泵,是核电厂的骄傲.

Moscow to be aiming to use Japanese investment and high technology to help achieve these goals.───莫斯科似乎打算利用日本的投资和高科技,以助实现这些目标.

In the future, this will be built into a world grade high technology park.───这里将建立一个世界一流的高科技园区.

HIGH technology is not always needed to solve a problem.───高科技并不是一直被用来解决问题。

Domestic and foreign firms with demand for high technology will be invited to the event.───邀请具有技术需求的境内外企业参与交易.

When is high technology the appropriate technology?───当是高技术适当的技术?


High technology equipment would be excepted from any trade agreement.

It is the interaction of high technology with traditional novelistic modes which is the focus of the work.

Moreover, international consortia and large enterprises equipped with high technology are entering into the China market in a steady flow, to join in the competition.

There are a number of high technology problems that need answering.

Some high technology products require a tremendous amount of computer programming during the design phase.

Secondly, high technology industries are footloose - products such as microchips are easy to transport, and thrive in a clean environment.

The £40,000 with of high technology next to it may just as well have come from another world as another country.

High technology companies face special problems in development.

It is high technology made easy.

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