

词汇 high sea
释义 high sea
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n.公海,外海; 猛浪


high seas───n.[地理]公海;远海

high tea───傍晚茶;茶点


high beam───n.远光灯

high gear───高速档

high heat───[热]高热量

high teas───傍晚茶;茶点

high key───n.亮色调;高音调

high season───旺季


It's free at the high sea.───在公海是自由的。

Formation of glacier worldwide is all related with high sea level and high latitude.───全球所有冰川的形成均与高纬度和高海拔密切相关.

It took only three shots for navy snipers to kill the trio of pirates holding Captain Richard Phillips hostage on a lifeboat drifting in the high sea.───海军狙击手仅用三枪就击毙了三名海盗,当时海盗挟持船长理查德·菲利普斯作为人质乘坐一艘救生艇漂浮在公海上。

The high sea kept on after the storm.───暴风雨过后海水继续高涨.

Like Tomas, Ului had been moving westward over an area of high sea surface temperatures.───如同热带气旋tomas, Ului也曾经在西移途中经过一片高海温区。

Apparently, the formation of Mount Yulong glacier is due to its high sea level.───显而易见, 玉龙雪山冰川的形成是缘于它的绝对海拔高度.

The issues of transgression and high sea level display the interaction of water and land.───以海侵和高海面问题揭示水陆关系.

The ship was adrift on the high sea.───那一艘船在公海上漂流.

There are disputes on transgression and high sea level in academe since holocene.───全新世以来海侵及高海面问题在学术界存在着争议.

high sea was raging and dashing its huge, slow, foamy waves along the coast with the rumbling sound of thunder.───大海波涛汹涌,把迟缓而泛着泡沫的巨浪拍打到海岸线上,发出雷鸣般的轰隆声。

The Ironclad approached the shallow port waters at a velocity meant only for the high sea.───铁走近浅水港口水域,在速度只意味着对于高海.

Greenland depends thick ice before it can process at high sea level.───格陵兰岛全靠厚厚的冰层,才使它能高高地突起于海平面上.

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